Longbow vs. Crossbow (Siege Edition) | A Video Essay
SandRhoman History
Longbow vs. Crossbow (Siege Edition) | A Video Essay
The Decisive Siege of the American Revolutionary War: The (Staggering) Siege of Yorktown 1781
SandRhoman History
The Decisive Siege of the American Revolutionary War: The (Staggering) Siege of Yorktown 1781
Why Did Soldiers Volunteer to Charge the Enemy First? | Early Modern Warfare
SandRhoman History
Why Did Soldiers Volunteer to Charge the Enemy First? | Early Modern Warfare
The (Bloodiest) Siege of the Napoleonic Wars: Badajoz 1812
SandRhoman History
The (Bloodiest) Siege of the Napoleonic Wars: Badajoz 1812
The European Siege That Decided American Independence: The (Great) Siege of Gibraltar 1779–1783
SandRhoman History
The European Siege That Decided American Independence: The (Great) Siege of Gibraltar 1779–1783
How to Lay Siege to a Polygonal Fortress in the 18th and 19th Centuries
SandRhoman History
How to Lay Siege to a Polygonal Fortress in the 18th and 19th Centuries
4 Ways Women Took Part in Sieges in Ancient Greece (and sometimes even decided them)
SandRhoman History
4 Ways Women Took Part in Sieges in Ancient Greece (and sometimes even decided them)
Bringing in the Big Guns: How Western Artillery Transformed Chinese Warfare in the 17th Century
SandRhoman History
Bringing in the Big Guns: How Western Artillery Transformed Chinese Warfare in the 17th Century
The Russian Alternative to Pike and Shot Warfare: Guliai-Gorod ("Wandering Town")
SandRhoman History
The Russian Alternative to Pike and Shot Warfare: Guliai-Gorod ("Wandering Town")
What Motivated Soldiers to Be the First to Climb the Siege Ladder?
SandRhoman History
What Motivated Soldiers to Be the First to Climb the Siege Ladder?
The Golden Age of the Condottieri: The Powerhouse of the Renaissance Mercenary Market
SandRhoman History
The Golden Age of the Condottieri: The Powerhouse of the Renaissance Mercenary Market
The "Hoplite Revolution Debate" feat. 22 Students from the University of Zurich
SandRhoman History
The "Hoplite Revolution Debate" feat. 22 Students from the University of Zurich
How Medieval Monasteries Waged War (feat. Baden State Museum)
SandRhoman History
How Medieval Monasteries Waged War (feat. Baden State Museum)
Warfare in Ancient Persia 550 BC–330 BC
SandRhoman History
Warfare in Ancient Persia 550 BC–330 BC
When the Chinese Besieged a Dutch Star Fortress – The (Staggering) Siege of Zeelandia 1661/62
SandRhoman History
When the Chinese Besieged a Dutch Star Fortress – The (Staggering) Siege of Zeelandia 1661/62
The First Mercenaries of History (feat. Prof. Morillo)
SandRhoman History
The First Mercenaries of History (feat. Prof. Morillo)
Eastern vs Western Siegecraft: When the Chinese Besieged a Russian Star Fortress in 1686
SandRhoman History
Eastern vs Western Siegecraft: When the Chinese Besieged a Russian Star Fortress in 1686
England's Most Renowned Free Company
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England's Most Renowned Free Company
Germany's Most Renowned Free Company
SandRhoman History
Germany's Most Renowned Free Company
Warfare in the Neo-Assyrian Empire 911 BC—609 BC
SandRhoman History
Warfare in the Neo-Assyrian Empire 911 BC—609 BC
The Norse Bodyguard of the Byzantine Emperors
SandRhoman History
The Norse Bodyguard of the Byzantine Emperors
The First Free Company in History (Catalan Grand Company)
SandRhoman History
The First Free Company in History (Catalan Grand Company)
The Golden Age of Free Companies
SandRhoman History
The Golden Age of Free Companies
Fact and Fiction: Both (Viking) Sieges of Paris 845 / 885
SandRhoman History
Fact and Fiction: Both (Viking) Sieges of Paris 845 / 885
Janissaries: The Ottoman Soldiers Recruited From Enslaved Christian Boys
SandRhoman History
Janissaries: The Ottoman Soldiers Recruited From Enslaved Christian Boys
Barbary Pirates: The Masters of the Mediterranean Slave Trade 1500–1830
SandRhoman History
Barbary Pirates: The Masters of the Mediterranean Slave Trade 1500–1830
Warfare in Ancient China 10,000 BC—221 BC
SandRhoman History
Warfare in Ancient China 10,000 BC—221 BC
The Earliest Sieges in History (and How they Worked)
SandRhoman History
The Earliest Sieges in History (and How they Worked)
Historical Champion Warfare (and Why it Was Kinda Common)
SandRhoman History
Historical Champion Warfare (and Why it Was Kinda Common)
Warfare in Ancient India 5,000 BC—300 BC
SandRhoman History
Warfare in Ancient India 5,000 BC—300 BC
Pike and Shot Warfare - The Spanish Tercio | Early-Modern Warfare
SandRhoman History
Pike and Shot Warfare - The Spanish Tercio | Early-Modern Warfare
Landsknechts: Some of the Most Sought-After Mercenaries of Early Modern Europe
SandRhoman History
Landsknechts: Some of the Most Sought-After Mercenaries of Early Modern Europe
Swiss Mercenaries: The End of Cavalry Superiority in the Late Middle Ages
SandRhoman History
Swiss Mercenaries: The End of Cavalry Superiority in the Late Middle Ages
The Highland Charge - The Famous Shock Tactic of the Scottish Clans
SandRhoman History
The Highland Charge - The Famous Shock Tactic of the Scottish Clans
Warfare in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 3,500 BC—1200 BC
SandRhoman History
Warfare in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 3,500 BC—1200 BC
The Origins of War (500,000 BC–3,000 BC)
SandRhoman History
The Origins of War (500,000 BC–3,000 BC)
Why the Bayonet Replaced Pike and Shot: From 1650 to the Napoleonic Wars
SandRhoman History
Why the Bayonet Replaced Pike and Shot: From 1650 to the Napoleonic Wars
Byzantine Military Revolution: The Army That Brought the Empire to A Golden Age in the 10th Century
SandRhoman History
Byzantine Military Revolution: The Army That Brought the Empire to A Golden Age in the 10th Century
What Do We Know about “Medieval Flame Throwers” Known as "Greek Fire"?
SandRhoman History
What Do We Know about “Medieval Flame Throwers” Known as "Greek Fire"?
5 (Great) Battles that Transformed the Thirty Years War in 1632 (Pt. 8)
SandRhoman History
5 (Great) Battles that Transformed the Thirty Years War in 1632 (Pt. 8)
Sweden Intervenes in the Thirty Years War 1630/31 (Pt. 7)
SandRhoman History
Sweden Intervenes in the Thirty Years War 1630/31 (Pt. 7)
7 (Great) Sieges that Transformed the Thirty Years War in 1628 (Pt. 6)
SandRhoman History
7 (Great) Sieges that Transformed the Thirty Years War in 1628 (Pt. 6)
Let's Get It Right: Longbow vs Crossbow - A Video Essay
SandRhoman History
Let's Get It Right: Longbow vs Crossbow - A Video Essay
Denmark-Norway Intervenes in the Thirty Years War 1625-1629 (Pt. 5)
SandRhoman History
Denmark-Norway Intervenes in the Thirty Years War 1625-1629 (Pt. 5)
Holy Intervention: The (Staggering) Siege of Orléans 1428 / 29 | Hundred Years' War
SandRhoman History
Holy Intervention: The (Staggering) Siege of Orléans 1428 / 29 | Hundred Years' War
Beyond Europe: The Global Dimension of the Thirty Years War 1624/25 (Pt. 4)
SandRhoman History
Beyond Europe: The Global Dimension of the Thirty Years War 1624/25 (Pt. 4)
The Galloglass: Ireland's Axe Wielding Mercenary Class
SandRhoman History
The Galloglass: Ireland's Axe Wielding Mercenary Class
In Defense of the Scottish Renaissance Army
SandRhoman History
In Defense of the Scottish Renaissance Army
Internationalization: The Thirty Years War  Grows into a European Catastrophe 1620-1623 (Pt. 3)
SandRhoman History
Internationalization: The Thirty Years War Grows into a European Catastrophe 1620-1623 (Pt. 3)
A Case Study of the Perfect Siege of Ath 1697
SandRhoman History
A Case Study of the Perfect Siege of Ath 1697
Vauban's Siegecraft: Perfect Fortresses and Infallible Sieges ~1700
SandRhoman History
Vauban's Siegecraft: Perfect Fortresses and Infallible Sieges ~1700
Lepanto 1571: Shattering the Idea of Ottoman Invincibility
SandRhoman History
Lepanto 1571: Shattering the Idea of Ottoman Invincibility
The Powder Keg: The Bohemian Revolt 1618-1620 | Thirty Years War (Pt. 2)
SandRhoman History
The Powder Keg: The Bohemian Revolt 1618-1620 | Thirty Years War (Pt. 2)
Triumph & Treachery: The (Staggering) Sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta | War of Cyprus 1570-1573
SandRhoman History
Triumph & Treachery: The (Staggering) Sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta | War of Cyprus 1570-1573
Invasion of Russia: The Battle of Klushino 1610
SandRhoman History
Invasion of Russia: The Battle of Klushino 1610
The Cataclysm: The Outbreak of the Thirty Years War 1555-1618 (Pt. 1)
SandRhoman History
The Cataclysm: The Outbreak of the Thirty Years War 1555-1618 (Pt. 1)
Christian Conquest: The (Staggering) Siege of Jerusalem 1099 (First Crusade)
SandRhoman History
Christian Conquest: The (Staggering) Siege of Jerusalem 1099 (First Crusade)
18th Century Naval Warfare: The Age of the Ship of the Line
SandRhoman History
18th Century Naval Warfare: The Age of the Ship of the Line
17th Century Naval Warfare: The Age of the Galley
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17th Century Naval Warfare: The Age of the Galley
Imperial Masterpiece: The Battle of Nördlingen 1634 | Thirty Years' War
SandRhoman History
Imperial Masterpiece: The Battle of Nördlingen 1634 | Thirty Years' War
Malta Resists: The (Great) Siege of Malta 1565
SandRhoman History
Malta Resists: The (Great) Siege of Malta 1565
4 Misconceptions about Medieval Shield Walls in Movies
SandRhoman History
4 Misconceptions about Medieval Shield Walls in Movies
How to Raise a Medieval Army
SandRhoman History
How to Raise a Medieval Army
The Rise of Spain: The Spanish Army From the Conquest of Granada to the Tercio 1480-1530
SandRhoman History
The Rise of Spain: The Spanish Army From the Conquest of Granada to the Tercio 1480-1530
How Artillery Became The King of Battle (1500-1800)
SandRhoman History
How Artillery Became The King of Battle (1500-1800)
How A Galley Slave Drove the Spanish Empire Into Bankruptcy
SandRhoman History
How A Galley Slave Drove the Spanish Empire Into Bankruptcy
“Dutch Swamp Dragon” - The (Staggering) Siege of 's-Hertogenbosch 1629
SandRhoman History
“Dutch Swamp Dragon” - The (Staggering) Siege of 's-Hertogenbosch 1629
Early Field Artillery | Evolution of Warfare 1450-1650
SandRhoman History
Early Field Artillery | Evolution of Warfare 1450-1650
"The Heaviest Cavalry in the West": The French Gendarmes
SandRhoman History
"The Heaviest Cavalry in the West": The French Gendarmes
Genoese Crossbowmen | Some of the Most Sought-After Mercenaries of Europe
SandRhoman History
Genoese Crossbowmen | Some of the Most Sought-After Mercenaries of Europe
5 Misconceptions about Medieval Sieges in Movies
SandRhoman History
5 Misconceptions about Medieval Sieges in Movies
Ottomans at the Gates: The First (Staggering) Siege of Vienna 1529
SandRhoman History
Ottomans at the Gates: The First (Staggering) Siege of Vienna 1529
Black Army of Hungary | Some of the Most Sought-After Mercenaries of Europe
SandRhoman History
Black Army of Hungary | Some of the Most Sought-After Mercenaries of Europe
Stopping the Ottoman Advance: The (Staggering) Siege of Belgrade 1456
SandRhoman History
Stopping the Ottoman Advance: The (Staggering) Siege of Belgrade 1456
Byzantium Falls: The (Staggering) Siege of Constantinople 1453
SandRhoman History
Byzantium Falls: The (Staggering) Siege of Constantinople 1453
How to Lay Siege to a Medieval Fortress (1000-1300)
SandRhoman History
How to Lay Siege to a Medieval Fortress (1000-1300)
7 Pike Formations That Dominated The Battlefields of Their Time
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7 Pike Formations That Dominated The Battlefields of Their Time
Wild EAST: The Cossack World
SandRhoman History
Wild EAST: The Cossack World
“The Wild Fields”: The Dangerous Frontier of the Great Steppe
SandRhoman History
“The Wild Fields”: The Dangerous Frontier of the Great Steppe
Love for Sale: 'Ladies of the Night' in Early-Modern Europe
SandRhoman History
Love for Sale: 'Ladies of the Night' in Early-Modern Europe
The Battle For Royal Prussia 1626-1629 | Polish-Swedish War (Pt. 4)
SandRhoman History
The Battle For Royal Prussia 1626-1629 | Polish-Swedish War (Pt. 4)
The Battle For Lithuania 1617-1626 | Polish-Swedish War (Pt. 3)
SandRhoman History
The Battle For Lithuania 1617-1626 | Polish-Swedish War (Pt. 3)
The Battle For Livonia 1600-1611 | The Polish-Swedish War (Pt. 2)
SandRhoman History
The Battle For Livonia 1600-1611 | The Polish-Swedish War (Pt. 2)
Impregnable Fortress: The (Staggering) Siege of La Rochelle 1627
SandRhoman History
Impregnable Fortress: The (Staggering) Siege of La Rochelle 1627
Invasion of Sweden: Prelude to the Polish-Swedish War 1566-1600 (Pt. 1)
SandRhoman History
Invasion of Sweden: Prelude to the Polish-Swedish War 1566-1600 (Pt. 1)
Opposing the Ottomans: Battle of Khotyn / Chocim 1621  (400 Years Anniversary)
SandRhoman History
Opposing the Ottomans: Battle of Khotyn / Chocim 1621 (400 Years Anniversary)
Why Did Soldiers Fight? | Soldiers' Lives
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Why Did Soldiers Fight? | Soldiers' Lives
Training & Drill | Soldiers’ Lives
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Training & Drill | Soldiers’ Lives
Life in Military Camps | Soldiers' Lives
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Life in Military Camps | Soldiers' Lives
Moving into War | Soldiers‘ Lives
SandRhoman History
Moving into War | Soldiers‘ Lives
"The Combat of the Thirty" 1351
SandRhoman History
"The Combat of the Thirty" 1351
How Dueling Worked in Early-Modern Europe
SandRhoman History
How Dueling Worked in Early-Modern Europe
How to Start a Fight in the Middle Ages
SandRhoman History
How to Start a Fight in the Middle Ages
How to Defend a Star Fortress Forever in the 16th and Early 17th Century
SandRhoman History
How to Defend a Star Fortress Forever in the 16th and Early 17th Century
Dutch Defiance: The (Staggering) Siege of Breda 1624/25
SandRhoman History
Dutch Defiance: The (Staggering) Siege of Breda 1624/25
Ingenious Siegecraft: The (Staggering) Siege of Syracuse 213-212 BC
SandRhoman History
Ingenious Siegecraft: The (Staggering) Siege of Syracuse 213-212 BC
'Small War' and Why it is Big
SandRhoman History
'Small War' and Why it is Big
The Battle of Lützen 1632 Hour By Hour | Thirty Years War
SandRhoman History
The Battle of Lützen 1632 Hour By Hour | Thirty Years War
Second Longest Siege in History: The (Staggering) Siege of Candia 1648-1669
SandRhoman History
Second Longest Siege in History: The (Staggering) Siege of Candia 1648-1669
How Medieval Artillery Revolutionized Siege Warfare
SandRhoman History
How Medieval Artillery Revolutionized Siege Warfare