Baby wasn’t feeling this new look #funnybbayvideos #grandparenting #motherhoodjourney
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby wasn’t feeling this new look #funnybbayvideos #grandparenting #motherhoodjourney
When you and your baby bestie have a tea party #motherhoodjourney #tealover #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When you and your baby bestie have a tea party #motherhoodjourney #tealover #familyrelationship
Will grandma buy the baby ice cream? #familyrelationship #familyouting #grandparenting
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Will grandma buy the baby ice cream? #familyrelationship #familyouting #grandparenting
When grandma can’t keep up with the baby #grandparenting #grandmababy #grandchildren
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When grandma can’t keep up with the baby #grandparenting #grandmababy #grandchildren
The reason I shop at Whole Foods is for the kid snacks #sistergoals #familyvlog @wholefoods
Mommy and Daddy Moments
The reason I shop at Whole Foods is for the kid snacks #sistergoals #familyvlog @wholefoods
The way babies say “shhh” #funnybaby #fatherhoodjourney #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
The way babies say “shhh” #funnybaby #fatherhoodjourney #familyrelationship
The bat weighs as much as the baby #babyshorts #babymemes #fatherhood #baseballshorts
Mommy and Daddy Moments
The bat weighs as much as the baby #babyshorts #babymemes #fatherhood #baseballshorts
When baby is scared of the GOATS #farmday #feedinganimals #homeschooling
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When baby is scared of the GOATS #farmday #feedinganimals #homeschooling
This is baby’s fight flight or freeze response when her kid is in trouble #funnybaby #babyshorts
Mommy and Daddy Moments
This is baby’s fight flight or freeze response when her kid is in trouble #funnybaby #babyshorts
Baby pretty much has taken over my reactions #hypemoments #bottleflip #talkingbaby
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby pretty much has taken over my reactions #hypemoments #bottleflip #talkingbaby
How is time flying? #funnybaby #fatherhood #makingmemories
Mommy and Daddy Moments
How is time flying? #funnybaby #fatherhood #makingmemories
Baby thinks she has a new car seat #funnybaby #wholesomecontent #funniesthomevideos
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby thinks she has a new car seat #funnybaby #wholesomecontent #funniesthomevideos
When your baby does HARD things #funnybabymoments #babymilestones
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When your baby does HARD things #funnybabymoments #babymilestones
The baby of the family making everyone work for her #mynewbaby #grandparenting
Mommy and Daddy Moments
The baby of the family making everyone work for her #mynewbaby #grandparenting
Baby breakdances and What is big brother hiding from the baby? #motherhood #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby breakdances and What is big brother hiding from the baby? #motherhood #familyrelationship
We will keep you all updated on her how her breakdancing classes go #breakdancetutorial #dancingbaby
Mommy and Daddy Moments
We will keep you all updated on her how her breakdancing classes go #breakdancetutorial #dancingbaby
No, we did not buy the boots. Yes, she cried when I said no #boots #fashionbabies #funnymemes
Mommy and Daddy Moments
No, we did not buy the boots. Yes, she cried when I said no #boots #fashionbabies #funnymemes
My big brother is the reason I have a sense of humor #funnybaby #bigbrothers #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
My big brother is the reason I have a sense of humor #funnybaby #bigbrothers #familyrelationship
When your dad still sees you as a teenager #familymoments #driversed #funnyvideos
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When your dad still sees you as a teenager #familymoments #driversed #funnyvideos
Baby calls her big sister “mama” #birthorder #familyrelationship #grandbabies
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby calls her big sister “mama” #birthorder #familyrelationship #grandbabies
Baby forgot who her papa was #grandparentslove #grandparenting
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby forgot who her papa was #grandparentslove #grandparenting
I was an AUNT before I was ever a mom #morherhood #auntlife #momoflittles
Mommy and Daddy Moments
I was an AUNT before I was ever a mom #morherhood #auntlife #momoflittles
Most of the time I hold the baby and we push the cart together 😑#funnybaby #talkingbaby #laughing
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Most of the time I hold the baby and we push the cart together 😑#funnybaby #talkingbaby #laughing
Happy Sunday! #motherhoodjourney
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Happy Sunday! #motherhoodjourney
How to get rid of baby’s hiccups and silly family moments #familyrelationship #dadlifematters
Mommy and Daddy Moments
How to get rid of baby’s hiccups and silly family moments #familyrelationship #dadlifematters
Baby says just give me my pillows and my books and leave me alone #nighttimeroutine #readingtime
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby says just give me my pillows and my books and leave me alone #nighttimeroutine #readingtime
Big brother broke baby’s chair papa to the rescue #dadlifematters #grandpa #handiman
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Big brother broke baby’s chair papa to the rescue #dadlifematters #grandpa #handiman
Baby woke up at 4am for a banana… mama is tired #funnybaby #grandbabies #grandma
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby woke up at 4am for a banana… mama is tired #funnybaby #grandbabies #grandma
Chaos 6 kids 7 and under #morherhood #funnykids #familymoments
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Chaos 6 kids 7 and under #morherhood #funnykids #familymoments
Dads everywhere with the rising prices of food #inflation #husbandandwifecomedy #fatherhood
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Dads everywhere with the rising prices of food #inflation #husbandandwifecomedy #fatherhood
Grandma got a new seat I. Her too #grabdbabies #funnybaby #readersdigest
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Grandma got a new seat I. Her too #grabdbabies #funnybaby #readersdigest
What are we up to lately? #crawfordfamily #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
What are we up to lately? #crawfordfamily #familyrelationship
Baby won’t let mommy dress her or put her shoes on anymore #funnybaby #funnytoddler #toddlerhack
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby won’t let mommy dress her or put her shoes on anymore #funnybaby #funnytoddler #toddlerhack
The baby has her own opinions on this #funnybaby #fatherhoodmoments #dadoftheyear #workingdad
Mommy and Daddy Moments
The baby has her own opinions on this #funnybaby #fatherhoodmoments #dadoftheyear #workingdad
We’re all in denial that she won’t be a baby forever #babyoftheday #funnybabyclips #motherhood
Mommy and Daddy Moments
We’re all in denial that she won’t be a baby forever #babyoftheday #funnybabyclips #motherhood
There’s always that one child who you have to keep your eyes on #bigbrother #funniesthomevideos
Mommy and Daddy Moments
There’s always that one child who you have to keep your eyes on #bigbrother #funniesthomevideos
When mommy and daddy finally go on a date #familyrelationship #familyfirst
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When mommy and daddy finally go on a date #familyrelationship #familyfirst
I don’t know why, but these two girls are so giving #thegirls #girlslife #daughtersareblessings
Mommy and Daddy Moments
I don’t know why, but these two girls are so giving #thegirls #girlslife #daughtersareblessings
There’s a new baby in town #bigfamilylife #middlechild #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
There’s a new baby in town #bigfamilylife #middlechild #familyrelationship
Baby takes a while to warm up #grandbaby #babysitting  #grandparenting
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby takes a while to warm up #grandbaby #babysitting #grandparenting
Funny baby shares her high chair so her cousin can eat too #babyledweaning #babyfoodrecipe
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Funny baby shares her high chair so her cousin can eat too #babyledweaning #babyfoodrecipe
We all need someone who gets us #talkingbabies #funnybabies #funniesthomevideos
Mommy and Daddy Moments
We all need someone who gets us #talkingbabies #funnybabies #funniesthomevideos
Who is taller? David or Alessi? #funnybaby #cutebabystatus
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Who is taller? David or Alessi? #funnybaby #cutebabystatus
I didn’t see that coming… #babyledweaning #babyeating #momhacks
Mommy and Daddy Moments
I didn’t see that coming… #babyledweaning #babyeating #momhacks
Does anyone else’s baby hate the swing? Watch the related video  #babylife #sadbaby #momlife
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Does anyone else’s baby hate the swing? Watch the related video #babylife #sadbaby #momlife
Did he miss us? #funnydad #tireddad #fatherhoodjourney
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Did he miss us? #funnydad #tireddad #fatherhoodjourney
We call her baby Yoda #familytime #bugbrother #themandalorian
Mommy and Daddy Moments
We call her baby Yoda #familytime #bugbrother #themandalorian
Baby tries to talk a little bit more this week #fatherslove #babyhood #talkingbaby
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby tries to talk a little bit more this week #fatherslove #babyhood #talkingbaby
Have you ever tried to buckle a toddler into a car seat? #carseatsafety #toddlerlife #bossbaby
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Have you ever tried to buckle a toddler into a car seat? #carseatsafety #toddlerlife #bossbaby
Did mommy buy the shirt? #momfashion #targetfinds #babyfashion #cranky
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Did mommy buy the shirt? #momfashion #targetfinds #babyfashion #cranky
When you get to watch your childhood again #motherhood #childhoodmemories
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When you get to watch your childhood again #motherhood #childhoodmemories
Bedtime is taking a long time #momlifebalance
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Bedtime is taking a long time #momlifebalance
Baby doesn’t understand how to do this yet #dadlifematters #funnydad #familyties
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby doesn’t understand how to do this yet #dadlifematters #funnydad #familyties
Baby wasn’t ready for this conversation #sleepthroughthenight #cosleeping #funnybabyvideos
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby wasn’t ready for this conversation #sleepthroughthenight #cosleeping #funnybabyvideos
Baby says stop asking questions and take the baby already #babyshorts #familytime #fatherhood
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby says stop asking questions and take the baby already #babyshorts #familytime #fatherhood
Three year age gap is the best #motherhoodjourney #sibkings #olderbrother
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Three year age gap is the best #motherhoodjourney #sibkings #olderbrother
A baby and her big brother- the best friend! #funnybabyclips #fatherhood  #motherhoodunfiltered
Mommy and Daddy Moments
A baby and her big brother- the best friend! #funnybabyclips #fatherhood #motherhoodunfiltered
Happy Sunday! Does baby know her colors? #talkingbaby #momlife
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Happy Sunday! Does baby know her colors? #talkingbaby #momlife
What happened to baby’s hair? #funnymoments #electricity #scienceexperiment
Mommy and Daddy Moments
What happened to baby’s hair? #funnymoments #electricity #scienceexperiment
Do NOT do the two year age gap #pregnancy #familyrelationship #hardmoments #parenting
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Do NOT do the two year age gap #pregnancy #familyrelationship #hardmoments #parenting
My sister and I were pregnant together THREE times #motherhood #sisters #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
My sister and I were pregnant together THREE times #motherhood #sisters #familyrelationship
Baby didn’t even care mommy and daddy left for date night #funnybaby #datenight #husbandandwife
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby didn’t even care mommy and daddy left for date night #funnybaby #datenight #husbandandwife
Papa tried to give her $1 #dadlifematters #papa #grandbabies
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Papa tried to give her $1 #dadlifematters #papa #grandbabies
And she never lets the other person get a word in! #funnybabyreels #wholesomememes #wholesomecontent
Mommy and Daddy Moments
And she never lets the other person get a word in! #funnybabyreels #wholesomememes #wholesomecontent
Are they waiting for a bus? #familymoments #fatherhoodjourney #husbandandwifecomedy
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Are they waiting for a bus? #familymoments #fatherhoodjourney #husbandandwifecomedy
Funny baby can’t argue for her refund #customerservice #funnybabymoment #familyvlog
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Funny baby can’t argue for her refund #customerservice #funnybabymoment #familyvlog
When baby can’t say a word and other special memories #familyrelationship #fatherhoodmoments
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When baby can’t say a word and other special memories #familyrelationship #fatherhoodmoments
Grandma would NOT be happy we forgot socks for the baby #grandbabies #grandparenting #dadhack
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Grandma would NOT be happy we forgot socks for the baby #grandbabies #grandparenting #dadhack
Baby just wants to know what the movie is about #funnybaby #wholesomecontwnt #siblingrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby just wants to know what the movie is about #funnybaby #wholesomecontwnt #siblingrelationship
Baby says she’s not ready for 8am guests, but loves her NONNA #nonna #familytime #grandparenting
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby says she’s not ready for 8am guests, but loves her NONNA #nonna #familytime #grandparenting
Baby clapped for every single performance #motherhoodjourney #showbiz #theater
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby clapped for every single performance #motherhoodjourney #showbiz #theater
Baby has dance moves #dancingbaby #fatherhood #prouddad
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby has dance moves #dancingbaby #fatherhood #prouddad
“Purple” was my favorite #funnybaby #talkingbaby #speechtherapy #babymilestones
Mommy and Daddy Moments
“Purple” was my favorite #funnybaby #talkingbaby #speechtherapy #babymilestones
Who had the most fun with dad? #dadlifematters #familyties #iloveyouforever
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Who had the most fun with dad? #dadlifematters #familyties #iloveyouforever
Follow me for more tips and tricks #motherhoodjourney #funnybaby #grandbabies #happybaby
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Follow me for more tips and tricks #motherhoodjourney #funnybaby #grandbabies #happybaby
When baby is scared of the swings! #funnybaby #familyouting #babiesofyoutube #fatherhood
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When baby is scared of the swings! #funnybaby #familyouting #babiesofyoutube #fatherhood
Dad is working a night shift #momlife #tiredmom
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Dad is working a night shift #momlife #tiredmom
How old was the oldest person who sucked their thumb? #badhabits #parenthoodmoments #babylife
Mommy and Daddy Moments
How old was the oldest person who sucked their thumb? #badhabits #parenthoodmoments #babylife
Did big brother wake the baby? #funnybaby #siblinggoals #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Did big brother wake the baby? #funnybaby #siblinggoals #familyrelationship
Where did baby get that big cup of water and NEVER wake a sleeping baby #motherhood #fatherlove
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Where did baby get that big cup of water and NEVER wake a sleeping baby #motherhood #fatherlove
Melting dad’s heart one “dada” at a time #talkingbaby #babylife #fatherhoodjourney #dadsofyoutube
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Melting dad’s heart one “dada” at a time #talkingbaby #babylife #fatherhoodjourney #dadsofyoutube
An evening meal prepping #mealprep #familydinner #parenthoodmoments
Mommy and Daddy Moments
An evening meal prepping #mealprep #familydinner #parenthoodmoments
Babies can play this game forever- two stinky feet #motherhoodjourney #bigsister #sistergoals
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Babies can play this game forever- two stinky feet #motherhoodjourney #bigsister #sistergoals
Older sister vs. little sister #motherhoodjourney #sistergoals #birthorder
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Older sister vs. little sister #motherhoodjourney #sistergoals #birthorder
Baby’s job when picking up her brother from school #funnybaby #parentlife #babysister
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby’s job when picking up her brother from school #funnybaby #parentlife #babysister
I love being a stay at home mom but we’ll also miss dad #stayathomemom #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
I love being a stay at home mom but we’ll also miss dad #stayathomemom #familyrelationship
Baby says “meh” for please #talkingbaby #wholesomecontent #familyvideos
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby says “meh” for please #talkingbaby #wholesomecontent #familyvideos
When baby answers questions in the morning #familyrelationship #bigbrother #talkingbaby
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When baby answers questions in the morning #familyrelationship #bigbrother #talkingbaby
Happy Sunday! #motherhoodjourney #babylife
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Happy Sunday! #motherhoodjourney #babylife
One chip or the whole bag? #youngestchild #babyoftheday #sadbaby
Mommy and Daddy Moments
One chip or the whole bag? #youngestchild #babyoftheday #sadbaby
He married into a family who shares food #fatherhoodjourney #husbandandwifecomedy #husbandandwife
Mommy and Daddy Moments
He married into a family who shares food #fatherhoodjourney #husbandandwifecomedy #husbandandwife
She’s 20 months and doesn’t say much, but finally a  new word! #babymilestones #speechtherapy
Mommy and Daddy Moments
She’s 20 months and doesn’t say much, but finally a new word! #babymilestones #speechtherapy
A quiet night in our house #motherhoodjourney #familytime
Mommy and Daddy Moments
A quiet night in our house #motherhoodjourney #familytime
Dad says seeing their personalities is the best part about having 4 kids #funnybaby #sistergoals
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Dad says seeing their personalities is the best part about having 4 kids #funnybaby #sistergoals
My mother in law saved my husband’s old baby clothes #motherinlaw #wholesomecontent #minimalism
Mommy and Daddy Moments
My mother in law saved my husband’s old baby clothes #motherinlaw #wholesomecontent #minimalism
Do not put rice in your backpack #funnybaby #parenthoodmoments #familyrelationship
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Do not put rice in your backpack #funnybaby #parenthoodmoments #familyrelationship
Baby is so excited when daddy comes home from work but can’t hug him #fatherhoodmoments #emt #ems
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Baby is so excited when daddy comes home from work but can’t hug him #fatherhoodmoments #emt #ems
Did she get more food in her belly or on the high chair? #babyledweaning #babyeating #ramennoodles
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Did she get more food in her belly or on the high chair? #babyledweaning #babyeating #ramennoodles
When baby won’t let dad go back to work #familyrelationship #fatherhoodjourney #wholesomecontent
Mommy and Daddy Moments
When baby won’t let dad go back to work #familyrelationship #fatherhoodjourney #wholesomecontent
Always drama with the two youngest #siblingrelationship #siblingpranks #funnybabies
Mommy and Daddy Moments
Always drama with the two youngest #siblingrelationship #siblingpranks #funnybabies