Ep 183: Tom Cotton on China
School of War Podcast
Ep 183: Tom Cotton on China
Ep 182: Sean McMeekin on Communism
School of War Podcast
Ep 182: Sean McMeekin on Communism
Ep 181: Michael Cook on the Islamic Conquests
School of War Podcast
Ep 181: Michael Cook on the Islamic Conquests
Endgames in Ukraine
School of War Podcast
Endgames in Ukraine
Ep 180: Stephen Kotkin on Endgames in Ukraine
School of War Podcast
Ep 180: Stephen Kotkin on Endgames in Ukraine
Ep 179: Phillips O’Brien on Grand Strategy in WW2
School of War Podcast
Ep 179: Phillips O’Brien on Grand Strategy in WW2
Mark Montgomery on Cyber War
School of War Podcast
Mark Montgomery on Cyber War
Ep 178: Mark Montgomery on Cyber War | Full episode | School of War Podcast
School of War Podcast
Ep 178: Mark Montgomery on Cyber War | Full episode | School of War Podcast
Ep 177: Christopher Kolakowski on Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr. | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast
School of War Podcast
Ep 177: Christopher Kolakowski on Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr. | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast
Ep 176: David Betz on Modern Fortifications
School of War Podcast
Ep 176: David Betz on Modern Fortifications
David Benz on Modern Fortifications
School of War Podcast
David Benz on Modern Fortifications
Ep 175: Mick Ryan on War & Fiction | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast with Aaron MacLean
School of War Podcast
Ep 175: Mick Ryan on War & Fiction | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast with Aaron MacLean
Hal Brands on Eurasian Politics
School of War Podcast
Hal Brands on Eurasian Politics
Ep 174: Hal Brands on the Long Struggle for Eurasia | FULL EPISODE | SCHOOL OF WAR PODCAST
School of War Podcast
Ep 174: Hal Brands on the Long Struggle for Eurasia | FULL EPISODE | SCHOOL OF WAR PODCAST
America's Iron Dome
School of War Podcast
America's Iron Dome
Ep 173: Tom Karako on America’s Iron Dome
School of War Podcast
Ep 173: Tom Karako on America’s Iron Dome
Ep 172: Eric Chewning and Tom Moore on the Warship Production Crisis | FULL EPISODE |
School of War Podcast
Ep 172: Eric Chewning and Tom Moore on the Warship Production Crisis | FULL EPISODE |
Ep 171: I Am André: German Jew, French Resistance Fighter, British Spy | FULL EPISODE
School of War Podcast
Ep 171: I Am André: German Jew, French Resistance Fighter, British Spy | FULL EPISODE
Ep 170: Evan Mawdsley on WW2 in the Central Pacific | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast
School of War Podcast
Ep 170: Evan Mawdsley on WW2 in the Central Pacific | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast
Evan Mawdsley on the Pacific in WW2
School of War Podcast
Evan Mawdsley on the Pacific in WW2
Dmitry Filipoff on Naval Warfare Against China
School of War Podcast
Dmitry Filipoff on Naval Warfare Against China
Ep 169: Dmitry Filipoff on Naval Warfare in 2025
School of War Podcast
Ep 169: Dmitry Filipoff on Naval Warfare in 2025
Nadège Rolland on China's Space
School of War Podcast
Nadège Rolland on China's Space
Ep 168: Nadège Rolland on China's Vision of Strategic Space
School of War Podcast
Ep 168: Nadège Rolland on China's Vision of Strategic Space
Ep. 167: Dan Blumenthal and Kyle Balzer on China's Nuclear Buildup | FULL EPISODE | SOW Podcast
School of War Podcast
Ep. 167: Dan Blumenthal and Kyle Balzer on China's Nuclear Buildup | FULL EPISODE | SOW Podcast
Ep 166: Rachel Kousser on Alexander the Great | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast
School of War Podcast
Ep 166: Rachel Kousser on Alexander the Great | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast
Ep. 17: Alexander Mikaberidze on Napoleon
School of War Podcast
Ep. 17: Alexander Mikaberidze on Napoleon
Shyam Sankar on Palantir
School of War Podcast
Shyam Sankar on Palantir
Ep 165: Shyam Sankar on a Defense Reformation | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast
School of War Podcast
Ep 165: Shyam Sankar on a Defense Reformation | FULL EPISODE | School of War Podcast
Ep. 16: Gerry Roncolato on the U.S. Navy
School of War Podcast
Ep. 16: Gerry Roncolato on the U.S. Navy
Ep 164: Mark Dubowitz on Syria’s Collapse | FULL EPISODE
School of War Podcast
Ep 164: Mark Dubowitz on Syria’s Collapse | FULL EPISODE
The war with Israel and Hezbollah
School of War Podcast
The war with Israel and Hezbollah
Ep 163: School of War Goes to Israel—Lessons from a Savage Year
School of War Podcast
Ep 163: School of War Goes to Israel—Lessons from a Savage Year
Ep 162: Michael Leggiere on Military History on Campus
School of War Podcast
Ep 162: Michael Leggiere on Military History on Campus
Ep 161: Mackenzie Eaglen on China’s Military Spending and Ours
School of War Podcast
Ep 161: Mackenzie Eaglen on China’s Military Spending and Ours
Mackenzie Eaglen on Beijing's Military Spending
School of War Podcast
Mackenzie Eaglen on Beijing's Military Spending
Ep. 15: Andrew Lambert on Julian Corbett
School of War Podcast
Ep. 15: Andrew Lambert on Julian Corbett
Ep 160: Thomas Barfield on Empire and Imperial Strategies Today
School of War Podcast
Ep 160: Thomas Barfield on Empire and Imperial Strategies Today
Thomas Barfield on Imperial History
School of War Podcast
Thomas Barfield on Imperial History
Rebecca Heinrichs on Nuclear Deterrence
School of War Podcast
Rebecca Heinrichs on Nuclear Deterrence
Are American Nuclear Weapons a Net Positive?
School of War Podcast
Are American Nuclear Weapons a Net Positive?
Did Deterrence Work in The Cold War?
School of War Podcast
Did Deterrence Work in The Cold War?
Are fewer nuclear weapons better for America?
School of War Podcast
Are fewer nuclear weapons better for America?
Ep 159: Rebeccah Heinrichs on Nuclear Morality
School of War Podcast
Ep 159: Rebeccah Heinrichs on Nuclear Morality
U.S Economic Warfare with China
School of War Podcast
U.S Economic Warfare with China
Ep. 14: Kevin Hamel on George S. Patton
School of War Podcast
Ep. 14: Kevin Hamel on George S. Patton
Ep. 158: Randall Schriver and Dan Blumenthal on an Economic Strategy for China
School of War Podcast
Ep. 158: Randall Schriver and Dan Blumenthal on an Economic Strategy for China
After Escaping Nazi Germany, How a WWII Veteran Adjusted to American Life
School of War Podcast
After Escaping Nazi Germany, How a WWII Veteran Adjusted to American Life
Why WII Veteran Stayed in The Army For Six Decades
School of War Podcast
Why WII Veteran Stayed in The Army For Six Decades
How a WWII Veteran Experienced Nazi-Era School in 1930s German
School of War Podcast
How a WWII Veteran Experienced Nazi-Era School in 1930s German
Ep. 13: Thomas Clavin on Joe Moser
School of War Podcast
Ep. 13: Thomas Clavin on Joe Moser
WWII Veteran Recalls Aiding Jewish Girls in Nazi Germany
School of War Podcast
WWII Veteran Recalls Aiding Jewish Girls in Nazi Germany
Ep 157: Frank Cohn—Veterans Day Special
School of War Podcast
Ep 157: Frank Cohn—Veterans Day Special
Ep. 156: Nicholas Eberstadt on North Koreans in Russia
School of War Podcast
Ep. 156: Nicholas Eberstadt on North Koreans in Russia
Nick Lloyd on the Eastern Front of WWI
School of War Podcast
Nick Lloyd on the Eastern Front of WWI
Ep. 12: Hal Brands on the Cold War
School of War Podcast
Ep. 12: Hal Brands on the Cold War
EP 155: Nick Lloyd on the Eastern Front in WWI
School of War Podcast
EP 155: Nick Lloyd on the Eastern Front in WWI
Ep. 11: John Matteson on the Civil War's Cultural Impact
School of War Podcast
Ep. 11: John Matteson on the Civil War's Cultural Impact
Ben Noon on Chips
School of War Podcast
Ben Noon on Chips
Ep 154: Ben Noon on the U.S.-China Chip Wars
School of War Podcast
Ep 154: Ben Noon on the U.S.-China Chip Wars
Ep 10: Shane Brennan on Xenophon
School of War Podcast
Ep 10: Shane Brennan on Xenophon
Ep 153: Scott Hartwig on the Battle of Antietam
School of War Podcast
Ep 153: Scott Hartwig on the Battle of Antietam
Ep 152: Jacqueline Deal on China’s Strategy
School of War Podcast
Ep 152: Jacqueline Deal on China’s Strategy
Ep. 9: David Stahel on the Eastern Front in WWII
School of War Podcast
Ep. 9: David Stahel on the Eastern Front in WWII
Ep 151: Nicholas Morton on the Crusades
School of War Podcast
Ep 151: Nicholas Morton on the Crusades
Ep 150: Katherine Kuzminski on the Draft
School of War Podcast
Ep 150: Katherine Kuzminski on the Draft
Ep 8: H.W Brands on the Patriots and Loyalists
School of War Podcast
Ep 8: H.W Brands on the Patriots and Loyalists
Ep 149: Mark Dubowitz on the Iran-Israel War
School of War Podcast
Ep 149: Mark Dubowitz on the Iran-Israel War
Ep 148: Alex Miller on Battlefield Technology
School of War Podcast
Ep 148: Alex Miller on Battlefield Technology
Ep 147: Frank Ledwidge on War in Space
School of War Podcast
Ep 147: Frank Ledwidge on War in Space
School of War Host, Aaron MacLean, and Christoper Nixon Cox discuss key topics at the 2024 Grand Str
School of War Podcast
School of War Host, Aaron MacLean, and Christoper Nixon Cox discuss key topics at the 2024 Grand Str
Best of New Makers of Modern Strategy 2
School of War Podcast
Best of New Makers of Modern Strategy 2
Ep. 7: John McManus on the U.S Army in the Pacific During WWII
School of War Podcast
Ep. 7: John McManus on the U.S Army in the Pacific During WWII
Ep 146: Eric Edelman and Thomas Mahnken on America’s Defense Strategy Crisis
School of War Podcast
Ep 146: Eric Edelman and Thomas Mahnken on America’s Defense Strategy Crisis
Ep 145: Christopher Lynch on Machiavelli at War
School of War Podcast
Ep 145: Christopher Lynch on Machiavelli at War
Ep. 6: Frank Ledwidge on Airpower
School of War Podcast
Ep. 6: Frank Ledwidge on Airpower
Ep. 5: Wayne Hsieh on Robert E. Lee
School of War Podcast
Ep. 5: Wayne Hsieh on Robert E. Lee
Ep. 4: Sean McMeekin on Stalin and WWII
School of War Podcast
Ep. 4: Sean McMeekin on Stalin and WWII
Best of New Makers of Modern Strategy 1
School of War Podcast
Best of New Makers of Modern Strategy 1
Ep 144: Mark Montgomery on Defending Taiwan (Boiling Moat #2)
School of War Podcast
Ep 144: Mark Montgomery on Defending Taiwan (Boiling Moat #2)
Ep. 3: Andrew Roberts on King George III
School of War Podcast
Ep. 3: Andrew Roberts on King George III
Ep 143: Sabin Howard on WWI, Art, and Honoring Veterans
School of War Podcast
Ep 143: Sabin Howard on WWI, Art, and Honoring Veterans
General McKenzie on the Middle East
School of War Podcast
General McKenzie on the Middle East
WW2 Experts Reveal Brutal Realities of Fighting on the Eastern Front
School of War Podcast
WW2 Experts Reveal Brutal Realities of Fighting on the Eastern Front
Ep. 2: Daniel Bolger on Maurice Rose
School of War Podcast
Ep. 2: Daniel Bolger on Maurice Rose
Ep 142: Andrew Roberts Debunks Darryl Cooper on Winston Churchill
School of War Podcast
Ep 142: Andrew Roberts Debunks Darryl Cooper on Winston Churchill
Andrew Roberts on Darryl Cooper
School of War Podcast
Andrew Roberts on Darryl Cooper
General McKenzie on Centcom
School of War Podcast
General McKenzie on Centcom
Ep. 1: H.R McMaster on the Gulf War
School of War Podcast
Ep. 1: H.R McMaster on the Gulf War
Roger Wicker on Defense Spending
School of War Podcast
Roger Wicker on Defense Spending
Ep 141: Matt Pottinger on the Defense of Taiwan (Boiling Moat #1)
School of War Podcast
Ep 141: Matt Pottinger on the Defense of Taiwan (Boiling Moat #1)
Differing Strategic Approaches to U.S.-China Relations
School of War Podcast
Differing Strategic Approaches to U.S.-China Relations
Ep 140: Roger Wicker on Defense Spending and Peace Through Strength
School of War Podcast
Ep 140: Roger Wicker on Defense Spending and Peace Through Strength
General McKenzie on Centcom
School of War Podcast
General McKenzie on Centcom
Richard Frank on Hiroshima
School of War Podcast
Richard Frank on Hiroshima
Josh Trevino on the Southern Border
School of War Podcast
Josh Trevino on the Southern Border
General Kenneth F. McKenzie on CENTCOM
School of War Podcast
General Kenneth F. McKenzie on CENTCOM
Ep 139: Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. on CENTCOM
School of War Podcast
Ep 139: Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. on CENTCOM
Ep 138: Joshua S. Treviño on the Southern Border Crisis
School of War Podcast
Ep 138: Joshua S. Treviño on the Southern Border Crisis
Nick Bunker on the Cold War
School of War Podcast
Nick Bunker on the Cold War