New episode with Francis Weller out now!
Nate Hagens
New episode with Francis Weller out now!
Grief as Ritual, Resistance, and Resilience with Francis Weller | TGS 167
Nate Hagens
Grief as Ritual, Resistance, and Resilience with Francis Weller | TGS 167
Proponent of "2000-watt neighborhoods," Peter Strack, describes the importance of cheap energy.
Nate Hagens
Proponent of "2000-watt neighborhoods," Peter Strack, describes the importance of cheap energy.
True wealth becomes accessible when humans do what we've always done: share things with each other.
Nate Hagens
True wealth becomes accessible when humans do what we've always done: share things with each other.
More energy (or, in other words, money) leads to more happiness, but only to a point.
Nate Hagens
More energy (or, in other words, money) leads to more happiness, but only to a point.
Snow, The Singularity, and Rocks in the River | Frankly 88
Nate Hagens
Snow, The Singularity, and Rocks in the River | Frankly 88
The stability of ecosystems (and by extension, human society) is dependent on the whole web of life.
Nate Hagens
The stability of ecosystems (and by extension, human society) is dependent on the whole web of life.
2000-Watt Societies aim to balance reduced energy consumption with the well-being of the people.
Nate Hagens
2000-Watt Societies aim to balance reduced energy consumption with the well-being of the people.
The Realities of Living a Low(er) Energy Lifestyle with Peter Strack | TGS 166
Nate Hagens
The Realities of Living a Low(er) Energy Lifestyle with Peter Strack | TGS 166
Philosopher Iain McGilchrist on the ungraspable nature of truth and why it's worth striving towards.
Nate Hagens
Philosopher Iain McGilchrist on the ungraspable nature of truth and why it's worth striving towards.
Are creativity and relationship fundamental to the structure of the cosmos?
Nate Hagens
Are creativity and relationship fundamental to the structure of the cosmos?
We each have more potential for impact than we might think.
Nate Hagens
We each have more potential for impact than we might think.
(Some of) The Central Questions of Our Time | Frankly 87
Nate Hagens
(Some of) The Central Questions of Our Time | Frankly 87
Wisdom Over Power: Why Contemplation & Wonder Are Essential for the Future of Humanity
Nate Hagens
Wisdom Over Power: Why Contemplation & Wonder Are Essential for the Future of Humanity
Why Contemplation & Wonder Are Essential for the Future of Humanity with Iain McGilchrist | TGS 165
Nate Hagens
Why Contemplation & Wonder Are Essential for the Future of Humanity with Iain McGilchrist | TGS 165
Complexity scientist Peter Turchin has studied over 200 past societies in crisis.
Nate Hagens
Complexity scientist Peter Turchin has studied over 200 past societies in crisis.
Can we mature our understanding of wealth before it’s too late?
Nate Hagens
Can we mature our understanding of wealth before it’s too late?
Despite rising global stability, many people across the world are worse off than their parents.
Nate Hagens
Despite rising global stability, many people across the world are worse off than their parents.
What is Wealth? | Frankly 86
Nate Hagens
What is Wealth? | Frankly 86
A timely overview of the historical phenomenon of "elite overproduction"
Nate Hagens
A timely overview of the historical phenomenon of "elite overproduction"
Episode 164 with Peter Turchin out now!
Nate Hagens
Episode 164 with Peter Turchin out now!
How Elite Surplus and Inequality Lead to Societal Upheaval with Peter Turchin | TGS 164
Nate Hagens
How Elite Surplus and Inequality Lead to Societal Upheaval with Peter Turchin | TGS 164
Unlearning the helplessness brought about by modernity will be crucial for a "bend not break" future
Nate Hagens
Unlearning the helplessness brought about by modernity will be crucial for a "bend not break" future
The Light Triad | Frankly 85
Nate Hagens
The Light Triad | Frankly 85
After 40 years as a federal scientist, Linda Birnbaum knows a thing or two about plastics.
Nate Hagens
After 40 years as a federal scientist, Linda Birnbaum knows a thing or two about plastics.
Dougald Hine - Reimagining the Cultural Narrative: Art and Storytelling for Systemic Change
Nate Hagens
Dougald Hine - Reimagining the Cultural Narrative: Art and Storytelling for Systemic Change
Art and Storytelling for Systemic Change with Dougald Hine | TGS 163
Nate Hagens
Art and Storytelling for Systemic Change with Dougald Hine | TGS 163
The energy transition conversation looks a lot different with a wide-boundary lens.
Nate Hagens
The energy transition conversation looks a lot different with a wide-boundary lens.
Science and technology historian on how past energy transitions looked more like energy additions.
Nate Hagens
Science and technology historian on how past energy transitions looked more like energy additions.
The Plastic Crisis: A Health and Environmental Emergency | Reality Roundtable 15
Nate Hagens
The Plastic Crisis: A Health and Environmental Emergency | Reality Roundtable 15
A Health and Environmental Emergency | Reality Roundtable 15
Nate Hagens
A Health and Environmental Emergency | Reality Roundtable 15
A Call for Responses to The Great Simplification | Frankly 84
Nate Hagens
A Call for Responses to The Great Simplification | Frankly 84
A history lesson with the author of More and More and More: An All Consuming History of Energy
Nate Hagens
A history lesson with the author of More and More and More: An All Consuming History of Energy
Jean-Baptiste Fressoz: “Always Adding More: The Unpopular Reality about Energy Transitions”
Nate Hagens
Jean-Baptiste Fressoz: “Always Adding More: The Unpopular Reality about Energy Transitions”
The Unpopular Reality about Energy Transitions with Jean-Baptiste Fressoz | TGS 162
Nate Hagens
The Unpopular Reality about Energy Transitions with Jean-Baptiste Fressoz | TGS 162
Geologist and energy educator Scott Tinker gets realistic about "renewable" energy.
Nate Hagens
Geologist and energy educator Scott Tinker gets realistic about "renewable" energy.
Artificial Intelligence and the Lost Ark | Frankly 83
Nate Hagens
Artificial Intelligence and the Lost Ark | Frankly 83
If the lights turn on every time you flip the switch, you are in the rich minority.
Nate Hagens
If the lights turn on every time you flip the switch, you are in the rich minority.
New episode with geologist and energy educator Scott Tinker out now!
Nate Hagens
New episode with geologist and energy educator Scott Tinker out now!
Energy Poverty, Depletion, and 'Green' Ambitions with Scott Tinker | TGS 161
Nate Hagens
Energy Poverty, Depletion, and 'Green' Ambitions with Scott Tinker | TGS 161
The map of the U.S. almost looked very different than the one we have today.
Nate Hagens
The map of the U.S. almost looked very different than the one we have today.
Educator and organizer Isabel Carlisle on the under-appreciated political benefits of bioregionalism
Nate Hagens
Educator and organizer Isabel Carlisle on the under-appreciated political benefits of bioregionalism
Wisdom and Restraint: Towards Wide Boundary Sovereignty | Frankly 82
Nate Hagens
Wisdom and Restraint: Towards Wide Boundary Sovereignty | Frankly 82
Bioregionalist Samantha Power on the hope that place-based living and governance can offer us.
Nate Hagens
Bioregionalist Samantha Power on the hope that place-based living and governance can offer us.
New episode out now!
Nate Hagens
New episode out now!
The Evolving Challenges for Humanitarian Organizations with Birgitte Bischoff | TGS 160
Nate Hagens
The Evolving Challenges for Humanitarian Organizations with Birgitte Bischoff | TGS 160
Shifting away from a carbon lens to a local watershed lens to address the many crises of our time
Nate Hagens
Shifting away from a carbon lens to a local watershed lens to address the many crises of our time
NEW RELEASE - The Future is Local: Bioregioning 101
Nate Hagens
NEW RELEASE - The Future is Local: Bioregioning 101
Bioregioning 101 | Reality Roundtable #14
Nate Hagens
Bioregioning 101 | Reality Roundtable #14
Taking a narrow-boundary approach to our problems can have unintended consequences across the globe.
Nate Hagens
Taking a narrow-boundary approach to our problems can have unintended consequences across the globe.
Environmentalist speaks to the carbon disparity between "developed" and "developing" countries.
Nate Hagens
Environmentalist speaks to the carbon disparity between "developed" and "developing" countries.
Cognitive scientist John Vervaeke on how this relatively new monster maps onto the meaning crisis.
Nate Hagens
Cognitive scientist John Vervaeke on how this relatively new monster maps onto the meaning crisis.
Episode 159 -  Reality and Perseverance in India: Pollution, Poverty, and Policy with Sunita Narain
Nate Hagens
Episode 159 - Reality and Perseverance in India: Pollution, Poverty, and Policy with Sunita Narain
Pollution, Poverty, and Policy with Sunita Narain | TGS 159
Nate Hagens
Pollution, Poverty, and Policy with Sunita Narain | TGS 159
Cognitive scientist describes two rising trends that point to an unfolding meaning crisis.
Nate Hagens
Cognitive scientist describes two rising trends that point to an unfolding meaning crisis.
Cognitive scientist John Vervaeke on the power of collective learning.
Nate Hagens
Cognitive scientist John Vervaeke on the power of collective learning.
Cognitive scientist explains what is needed for a human to feel a sense of meaning.
Nate Hagens
Cognitive scientist explains what is needed for a human to feel a sense of meaning.
The Meaning Crisis: Wisdom, Purpose, and the Search for Coherence with John Vervaeke
Nate Hagens
The Meaning Crisis: Wisdom, Purpose, and the Search for Coherence with John Vervaeke
Wisdom, Purpose, and the Search for Coherence with John Vervaeke | TGS 158
Nate Hagens
Wisdom, Purpose, and the Search for Coherence with John Vervaeke | TGS 158
The four horsemen of the 2020s - the challenges of transitioning to a post-growth society.
Nate Hagens
The four horsemen of the 2020s - the challenges of transitioning to a post-growth society.
The predicament we face is a human predicament, not a technological predicament.
Nate Hagens
The predicament we face is a human predicament, not a technological predicament.
Jevons paradox, the rebound effect, and the backfire effect are crucial for understanding technology
Nate Hagens
Jevons paradox, the rebound effect, and the backfire effect are crucial for understanding technology
At the end of last year I was interviewed for the podcast, The Regeneration Will Be Funded.
Nate Hagens
At the end of last year I was interviewed for the podcast, The Regeneration Will Be Funded.
This is what pro-social prepping looks like.
Nate Hagens
This is what pro-social prepping looks like.
What Would You Do With a Magic Wand? | TGS 157
Nate Hagens
What Would You Do With a Magic Wand? | TGS 157
Time Travel & The Superorganism: A Movie Idea | Frankly 81
Nate Hagens
Time Travel & The Superorganism: A Movie Idea | Frankly 81
Local organizer and activist Christian Sawyer on finding your autonomy in this big, unfolding story.
Nate Hagens
Local organizer and activist Christian Sawyer on finding your autonomy in this big, unfolding story.
NEW RELEASE - The Great Simplification in Action: Building Resilience Through Local Communities
Nate Hagens
NEW RELEASE - The Great Simplification in Action: Building Resilience Through Local Communities
Building Resilience Through Local Communities with Christian Sawyer | TGS 156
Nate Hagens
Building Resilience Through Local Communities with Christian Sawyer | TGS 156
Plummeting fertility is no longer just a premise for a science fiction movie.
Nate Hagens
Plummeting fertility is no longer just a premise for a science fiction movie.
The petrochemical industry is increasing plastic production due to decreasing fuel demand.
Nate Hagens
The petrochemical industry is increasing plastic production due to decreasing fuel demand.
According to 20th Century British economist John Hicks, we haven't made any money in decades.
Nate Hagens
According to 20th Century British economist John Hicks, we haven't made any money in decades.
“Thank You for Ruining My Life” | Frankly 80
Nate Hagens
“Thank You for Ruining My Life” | Frankly 80
Will we ever be able to place chemical safety and public health above economic motivations?
Nate Hagens
Will we ever be able to place chemical safety and public health above economic motivations?
Shifting global birth trends, medically-assisted pregnancy, changing age demographics, and more.
Nate Hagens
Shifting global birth trends, medically-assisted pregnancy, changing age demographics, and more.
How The Toxicity Crisis Could Cause the Next Economic Crash with Jeremy Grantham | TGS 155
Nate Hagens
How The Toxicity Crisis Could Cause the Next Economic Crash with Jeremy Grantham | TGS 155
Existential risk expert explains one of the many challenges that would come with aerosol injection.
Nate Hagens
Existential risk expert explains one of the many challenges that would come with aerosol injection.
As if plastic pollution wasn't already enough of a problem...
Nate Hagens
As if plastic pollution wasn't already enough of a problem...
Existential risk expert on whether 3°C of global warming is an existential threat to humanity.
Nate Hagens
Existential risk expert on whether 3°C of global warming is an existential threat to humanity.
New episode with toxicologist Jane Muncke out now!
Nate Hagens
New episode with toxicologist Jane Muncke out now!
A Global Treaty To Regulate Petrochemical Pollution? | Jane Muncke | TGS 154
Nate Hagens
A Global Treaty To Regulate Petrochemical Pollution? | Jane Muncke | TGS 154
The power structure that decides what is important to our society #thegreatsimplification
Nate Hagens
The power structure that decides what is important to our society #thegreatsimplification
The Biggest Takeaways from the Logic of the Superorganism | Frankly 79
Nate Hagens
The Biggest Takeaways from the Logic of the Superorganism | Frankly 79
Existential Risks: The Biggest Threats to Life as We Know It with Luke Kemp | TGS 153
Nate Hagens
Existential Risks: The Biggest Threats to Life as We Know It with Luke Kemp | TGS 153
The Biggest Threats to Life as We Know It with Luke Kemp | TGS 153
Nate Hagens
The Biggest Threats to Life as We Know It with Luke Kemp | TGS 153
The story of the 20th century as told by oil, and where the story is now.
Nate Hagens
The story of the 20th century as told by oil, and where the story is now.
A Brief Clarification on Human Behavior | Frankly 78
Nate Hagens
A Brief Clarification on Human Behavior | Frankly 78
Energy Crises & Global Power Shifts: The Struggle for Stability in Israel, Iran, and Beyond
Nate Hagens
Energy Crises & Global Power Shifts: The Struggle for Stability in Israel, Iran, and Beyond
The Struggle for Stability in Israel, Iran, and Beyond with Helen Thompson | TGS 152
Nate Hagens
The Struggle for Stability in Israel, Iran, and Beyond with Helen Thompson | TGS 152
Reality Roundtable 13 - Future Council: How Children are Responding to our Planetary Crises
Nate Hagens
Reality Roundtable 13 - Future Council: How Children are Responding to our Planetary Crises
How Children are Responding to our Planetary Crises with Damon Gameau and The Future Council | RR 13
Nate Hagens
How Children are Responding to our Planetary Crises with Damon Gameau and The Future Council | RR 13
7 Philosophies on the Future | Frankly 77
Nate Hagens
7 Philosophies on the Future | Frankly 77
Amazon Rainforest expert André Guimarães makes the case for cultural diversity.
Nate Hagens
Amazon Rainforest expert André Guimarães makes the case for cultural diversity.
André Guimarães - Fires in the Rainforest: The Impossible Economics of a Disappearing Amazon
Nate Hagens
André Guimarães - Fires in the Rainforest: The Impossible Economics of a Disappearing Amazon
Amazon Deforestation, Animal Agriculture, & the Devastating Global Costs | André Guimarães | TGS 151
Nate Hagens
Amazon Deforestation, Animal Agriculture, & the Devastating Global Costs | André Guimarães | TGS 151
Be honest, did you even think the Amazon turning into a savanna was a possibility?
Nate Hagens
Be honest, did you even think the Amazon turning into a savanna was a possibility?
The Battles of Our Time | Frankly 76
Nate Hagens
The Battles of Our Time | Frankly 76
Carbon Sink to Carbon Source? How the Amazon Rainforest Could Become a Self-Drying Savanna
Nate Hagens
Carbon Sink to Carbon Source? How the Amazon Rainforest Could Become a Self-Drying Savanna
How the World’s Biggest Rainforest Could Become a Self-Drying Savanna with Carlos Nobre | TGS 150
Nate Hagens
How the World’s Biggest Rainforest Could Become a Self-Drying Savanna with Carlos Nobre | TGS 150
Let us know in the comments what changes you think are necessary to make this shift happen.
Nate Hagens
Let us know in the comments what changes you think are necessary to make this shift happen.