2025 03 11   Definition Project
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
2025 03 11 Definition Project
Full Video:  Empathy Summit: Exploring Empathy Circles: January 4, 2025
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Full Video: Empathy Summit: Exploring Empathy Circles: January 4, 2025
EMPATHY SUMMIT Debrief:  Empathy Circles: The Foundational Practice of the Empathy Movement
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT Debrief: Empathy Circles: The Foundational Practice of the Empathy Movement
Empathy Circle: EMPATHY SUMMIT: Exploring Empathy Circles: Foundational Practice of Empathy Movement
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Circle: EMPATHY SUMMIT: Exploring Empathy Circles: Foundational Practice of Empathy Movement
EMPATHY SUMMIT:  The Transformational Qualities of an Empathy Circle
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: The Transformational Qualities of an Empathy Circle
EMPATHY SUMMIT:  Grassroots Politics and Game Nights: Hosting an Empathy Circle House Party
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Grassroots Politics and Game Nights: Hosting an Empathy Circle House Party
EMPATHY SUMMIT:  Sharing my personal impacts of the Empathy Circle.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Sharing my personal impacts of the Empathy Circle.
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Using Empathy Reflection @ Home & Work
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Using Empathy Reflection @ Home & Work
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Equity and Inclusion-Focused Empathy Circles Help Create a Culture of Empathy
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Equity and Inclusion-Focused Empathy Circles Help Create a Culture of Empathy
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Empathy Warm-Up: Parallel Processing in Empathy Circles.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Empathy Warm-Up: Parallel Processing in Empathy Circles.
EMPATHY SUMMIT: How To Bring Empathy Circles Into a Business Context
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: How To Bring Empathy Circles Into a Business Context
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Defining Empathy in the Context and Structure of the Empathy Circle.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Defining Empathy in the Context and Structure of the Empathy Circle.
William Ickes on Accurate Empathy
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
William Ickes on Accurate Empathy
EMPATHY SUMMIT: What role can empathy circles play in a corporate environment?
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: What role can empathy circles play in a corporate environment?
EMPATHY SUMMIT: You can’t understand the Empathy circle unless you experience it.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: You can’t understand the Empathy circle unless you experience it.
EMPATHY SUMMIT: You can’t understand the Empathy Circle unless you experience it.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: You can’t understand the Empathy Circle unless you experience it.
EMPATHY SUMMIT: The Importance of Listening in the 5 Steps to Empathy
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: The Importance of Listening in the 5 Steps to Empathy
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Empathic Listening for Inner Development and Outer Impact
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Empathic Listening for Inner Development and Outer Impact
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Building Empathic Community: An Empathy Circle Superpower
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Building Empathic Community: An Empathy Circle Superpower
EMPATHY SUMMIT: The history of the Empathy Circles development
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: The history of the Empathy Circles development
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Topic:  Adding Focusing to Empathy Circles
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Topic: Adding Focusing to Empathy Circles
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Three Years of Weekly Empathy Circles - Reflections and Learnings
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Three Years of Weekly Empathy Circles - Reflections and Learnings
EMPATHY SUMMIT Topic: Why Empathy Circles Are So Effective
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT Topic: Why Empathy Circles Are So Effective
Empathy Summit: Exploring Empathy Circles: The Foundational Practice of the Empathy Movement
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit: Exploring Empathy Circles: The Foundational Practice of the Empathy Movement
Corinna Maharani Gives Tour of the workshop space. Embodied Empathy - Ayurvedic  Bodywork
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Corinna Maharani Gives Tour of the workshop space. Embodied Empathy - Ayurvedic Bodywork
Feeling Focused Empathy Circles: Sensing and Speaking  From Your Body.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Feeling Focused Empathy Circles: Sensing and Speaking From Your Body.
UC Santa Barbara Empathy Tent: Pop Up Report Date: Friday Sept 27
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
UC Santa Barbara Empathy Tent: Pop Up Report Date: Friday Sept 27
Empathy Circle with Tibetan Monks at the Empathy Center Santa Barbara
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Circle with Tibetan Monks at the Empathy Center Santa Barbara
Empathy Tent team offered Empathic Listening on State Street across from the Museum of Art.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Tent team offered Empathic Listening on State Street across from the Museum of Art.
16 Interfaith Leaders Conversation at The Empathy Center: Things we can do to find common ground!
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
16 Interfaith Leaders Conversation at The Empathy Center: Things we can do to find common ground!
Empaths and The Genius of Empathy!
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empaths and The Genius of Empathy!
Mellow Paws, Mountian Lion and Jane Doe & Fauns meet at the Empathy Center, Tells us what happens
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Mellow Paws, Mountian Lion and Jane Doe & Fauns meet at the Empathy Center, Tells us what happens
How Does "Source to Screen: Accessing, Manifesting, and Transmitting Great Ideas" Support Empathy?
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
How Does "Source to Screen: Accessing, Manifesting, and Transmitting Great Ideas" Support Empathy?
The Empathy Center: How Does the Illuminate Film Festival Support Mutual Empathy
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
The Empathy Center: How Does the Illuminate Film Festival Support Mutual Empathy
Empathy Summit February 3, 2024:  Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit February 3, 2024: Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books
Empathy Summit Jan20, 2024:  Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit Jan20, 2024: Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books
Empathy Summit Jan 13, 20224:  Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit Jan 13, 20224: Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books
Empathy Summit: Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books v2
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit: Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books v2
Empathy Book Authors Summit: Jan 6: Empathy Circle 2:
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Book Authors Summit: Jan 6: Empathy Circle 2:
Empathy Summit Jan 6, 2024: Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit Jan 6, 2024: Empathy Book Authors Share the Motivation & Outline of Their Books
The Empathy Center: Empathic Design Meeting 1
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
The Empathy Center: Empathic Design Meeting 1
Empathy Circle Facilitator Training at The Empathy Center: Nov 17-19, 2023
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Circle Facilitator Training at The Empathy Center: Nov 17-19, 2023
Drone Video of The Empathy Center and Empathy Tent
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Drone Video of The Empathy Center and Empathy Tent
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Why is Empathy Important for Conflict Resolution?  2023-11-04
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
EMPATHY SUMMIT: Why is Empathy Important for Conflict Resolution? 2023-11-04
2023-07-15: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
2023-07-15: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
2023-07-22: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
2023-07-22: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
2023-10-28: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
2023-10-28: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
2023-10-21: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
2023-10-21: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
2023-10-14: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
2023-10-14: Empathy Center Santa Barbara Visioning Empathy Circle
Empathy Summit: Sep 9: A Review of Empathy Training Programs From Around the World.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit: Sep 9: A Review of Empathy Training Programs From Around the World.
Empathy Summit: September 2, 2023: A Review of Empathy Training Programs From Around the World.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit: September 2, 2023: A Review of Empathy Training Programs From Around the World.
Nick Ross Interviews Edwin Rutsch about Empathy & Empathy Circles
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Nick Ross Interviews Edwin Rutsch about Empathy & Empathy Circles
The Empathy Center - Tour and Empathy Circle and Party - Santa Barbara
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
The Empathy Center - Tour and Empathy Circle and Party - Santa Barbara
Empathy Summit: July 1, 2023: Mutual Empathy, Listening and Dialogue to Improve Relationships,
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Summit: July 1, 2023: Mutual Empathy, Listening and Dialogue to Improve Relationships,
Edwin Rutsch's Personal Meeting Room
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Edwin Rutsch's Personal Meeting Room
Unconditional Explanatory Empathy:   John McFadden and Edwin Rutsch
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Unconditional Explanatory Empathy: John McFadden and Edwin Rutsch
Empathy Center Volunteers Team Meeting  2023-06-16
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Center Volunteers Team Meeting 2023-06-16
Empathy & AI: Empathy Circle on Minter Dial's - Heartificial Empathy, 2nd Edition
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy & AI: Empathy Circle on Minter Dial's - Heartificial Empathy, 2nd Edition
Santa Barbara  Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #11
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #11
Empathic Leadership: In Sports & Everywhere. Edwin Rutsch & Peter Sear
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathic Leadership: In Sports & Everywhere. Edwin Rutsch & Peter Sear
Santa Barbara  Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #9
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #9
Santa Barbara Empathy Center Visioning Empathy Circle  E7:
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Empathy Center Visioning Empathy Circle E7:
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #8
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #8
Santa Barbara Empathy Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E6:
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Empathy Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E6:
Santa Barbara Empathy Center - Volunteers Team V1
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Empathy Center - Volunteers Team V1
Empathy Café: With Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Bridging, Empathy, Peacebuilding Community
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Café: With Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Bridging, Empathy, Peacebuilding Community
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E5 With Empathy Community
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E5 With Empathy Community
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 5 of 6
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 5 of 6
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 6 of 6
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 6 of 6
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 3 of 6
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 3 of 6
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 4 of 6
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 4 of 6
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 2 of 6
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 2 of 6
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 1 of 6
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Best Empathy Training: Cohort 13.F: Module 1: Session 1 of 6
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E4: With Empathy Community
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E4: With Empathy Community
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #7
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #7
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E3: With Empathy Community
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E3: With Empathy Community
NEW Session 5: Restorative Empathy Circle for Conflict Mediation; Outline and Overview
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
NEW Session 5: Restorative Empathy Circle for Conflict Mediation; Outline and Overview
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E2: With Empathy Community
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E2: With Empathy Community
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #6
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #6
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E1: With Empathy Community
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Santa Barbara Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #E1: With Empathy Community
Canoas  Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #5
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #5
Defining Empathy Project: Last Meeting: Self & Relational Empathy
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Defining Empathy Project: Last Meeting: Self & Relational Empathy
Canoas  Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #4
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #4
Defining Empathy:  Lou on Blocks - Violeta on Imaginative Empathy - Janna on Projection.
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Defining Empathy: Lou on Blocks - Violeta on Imaginative Empathy - Janna on Projection.
Defining Empathy as a Way of Being
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Defining Empathy as a Way of Being
Canoas  Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #3
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #3
Empathy Café: With Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Bridging, Empathy, Peacebuilding Community
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Café: With Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Bridging, Empathy, Peacebuilding Community
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #2
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Canoas Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #2
Defining Empathy Course Development
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Defining Empathy Course Development
Impathy, Self-Empathy, Self-Compassion: How do they relate?  Stefanie Neubrand & Edwin Rutsch
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Impathy, Self-Empathy, Self-Compassion: How do they relate? Stefanie Neubrand & Edwin Rutsch
Canoas Rd. Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #1
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Canoas Rd. Retreat Center Visioning Empathy Circle #1
94 Years old Gerhard Rutsch Cuts Down the Pine Tree
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
94 Years old Gerhard Rutsch Cuts Down the Pine Tree
Empathy Café: With Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Bridging, Empathy, Peacebuilding Community
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Café: With Conflict Transformation, Mediation, Bridging, Empathy, Peacebuilding Community
2022-12-10 - Empathy Circle Intro: Experience of Circle
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
2022-12-10 - Empathy Circle Intro: Experience of Circle
2022-12- 03   Empathy Circle Intro -  Experience of the Circle
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
2022-12- 03 Empathy Circle Intro - Experience of the Circle
Defining Empathy Circle - What is a Way of Being? 2
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Defining Empathy Circle - What is a Way of Being? 2
Defining Empathy Circle -  What is a Way of Being?
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Defining Empathy Circle - What is a Way of Being?
Empathy Café - Circle #3: What is the Role of Empathy in Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding?
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Café - Circle #3: What is the Role of Empathy in Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding?
Empathy Café - Circle #2: What is the Role of Empathy in Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding?
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Café - Circle #2: What is the Role of Empathy in Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding?
Empathy Café: Role of Empathy in Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding?
Edwin “Empathy” Rutsch
Empathy Café: Role of Empathy in Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding?