The true advantage of drawing on the iPad is being able to draw on the couch and relax. Sometime you don't feel like being attached to a desk.
I left Photoshop for one reason, and that's because of their swap from a traditional license to a subscription model. I would rather pay once and not worry about recurring fees and have something I know I'll be using for the rest of my life. Procreate does that, and on PC, Clip Studio Paint does it. Kinda hate that on iPad CSP is sub model, but I'll stick to PC for that.
I will say I’ve used procreate for years at this point and honestly for iPad and Apple Pencil it’s a great app. I do say where it shines is it’s portable sketch book area the technical pencil is pretty much all I need for sketching up my illustrations and I understand that changing brushes is a bit hard mid flow I think I have at least created and made multiple sets of the same brush with different settings over the course of time to minimise my need to go into brush settings and edit them but for new users who haven’t had the time to do that it can be a bit of a turn off and flow break. I will say taking a sketch from procreate to Affinity Designer is a good jump if you are a mainly photoshop user as Affinity is basically photoshop and illustrator in one and might be more interesting to you Ross for your needs tho I personally cannot vouch for how good a painting app it is as I’m an illustrator type artist.
Finally! Welcome to the Procreate fam :D
LET'S GO! ROSS IS TRYING IT OUT! I love how you review programs
Got an iPad Pro last year and downloaded Procreate after hearing so many positive reviews. It's crazy, but it's actually made drawing fun in a way I didn't think possible! The app's just so fast and intuitive, it kinda throws me off when I go back to my desktop drawing software
Used CSP and PS together until Adobe got too expensive. CSP has been amazing for the last few years and is user-friendly.
the girl’s painting: “it’s not bad, it’s just ABSTRACT!!” love the vid as usual ross, i’ve been waiting for procreate! 😌
Procreate layer cap is based on the size of your canvas, and if yours capped at 33 you must’ve been using a hugggee canvas
I loved the line " If I played around for a few minutes I could probably find where everything is". At first view thats absolutley true, but I can promise there are so many shortcuts and hidden features in procreate, its crazy. 10/10 would recommand every first time user to check out youtube videos of that beforehand, to find a lot of them :D
Missed this kind of videos Ross. And your piece came out so beautiful ✨ Yes, Procreate lack of some things, but one use could be to just draw anywhere, and still having top quality. Agreed with the advice you give. We choose the platform that's best for each of us ✨😊
I find myself rewinding the intro like SOOOO many times. It's so good and satisfying!
you can alter the layer cap if you create your own canvas! there are options available to change the color, layer cap, and so on if you make your own canvas, or you could edit pre-existing ones. My canvases cap at around 211, though I rarely exceed like 30.
I like to use procreate to sketch out ideas because it can happen anywhere and anytime (like a digital sketchbook). Then I throw the sketch i like to photoshop or clip studio to color because yes i agree with ross that ps/cs has more features, no layer limits, and you can see all your brush settings all laid out
I bought Procreate for the G1 iPad Mini, and even though I’m more of a doodler than a real artist, it was more than worth the price.
I've been waiting for this vid for so long!! Welcome to the Procreate family Ross!!!
As many programs as I've used through the years, I am still being drawn back to Photoshop. Nothing tops the vast amount of power the program has. Hate the price, but for having the freedom to create anything, it's still worth it.
I missed those videos so much it ached !!! Thank Ross