"sometimes you can just be unlucky" it literally took me 3h to clear protocol 7 and 8h to beat protocol 8 i absolutely hate du it's disgusting
Thank you so much for this guide! I had the most perfect run with a good balance of offense and defense to help clear my run spectacularly. I was able to beat Phase 2 since I got lucky with it being the Deer boss, and I was strong enough by the end of Phase 2 I could beat combat challenges in Phase 3. My team was Pela, Misha, Gallagher and March 7th (Perseveration). I used my own Relics that give me a lot of Hit Rate and I had to custom use my own set for Gallagher since the Mappings for Gallagher are not it.
It's a pity you don't make videos more often. I found this one really informative and explained in a relaxed manner. Thank you! :)
They changed the Trailblaze Blessing Effects: Old: Obtain 5 random Blessings, among which might include 1 to 3 Path-designated Blessings. New: Obtain 4/5/6 random Blessings, of which at least 3/2/1 with be a Blessing required by Equations.
I gotta say, I tried many different combinations to win and many many attempts (probably over 60) to beat this difficulty. I looked at countless videos that had many different teams and nothing worked at all. I came across this video and decided to give it a try. MY FIRST ATTEMPT won me difficulty 6 and I couldn't believe it. Thank you so much for sharing this video you definitely saved me countless hours of hitting my head on the wall trying to get a miracle run. Tysm!!!
AYO thanks for this. I only manage to get Astral Computer from all the blessings that you mentioned from my winning run. Same lineup with March, Misha and Pela. I changed Gallagher to Aventurine since there's an enemy that won't freeze so I just tanked the freeze attack with Aventurines high effect RES and shielding.
Key to this is your 3 star equation really, except for Preservationt and Destruction 3* equations since they need your characters to be the one doing damage I just did a really fun Full abundance Borisin equation team with Lingsha Lynx Yunli Bailu and left it on auto since i cannot die😆 My first clear of Protocol 6 tho was Child of Calamity And Aether Phantom with Topaz March Preservation Yunli Gallagher it was very rough in the first plane but when i Completed my Aether phantom it was over the enemies, just kept exploding because of the constant spores from numby
the whole idea of du is just "be lucky or not be able to beat the gamemode" its fucking disgusting especially without acheron and midfly
Awesome guide!
Little tip, the kiwi kino community server is also quite active. You can ask anything, and we'll be glad to help out by answering!
I will mention my builds - Characters with their 5 star lc Ruan mei Kafka black swan Fu xuan Himeko Acheron Welt Other 5 star characters Yanqing Bronya Blade Seele All these characters and i am still stuck on DU6
subbed !
"without Ruan Mei, Firefly, Acheron, or Boothill" me, who cleared v6 with RRAT: well I guess it counts as a clear without those characters
Can i use remembrace for yanqing 😅 dont have any other fully built 5*
i just wanna clear protocol 6 for the oneiric shards & then i’ll stop bcuz i don’t think my mental health can handle protocol 7/8 ðŸ˜
trying to beat it with firefly rn wish me luck ðŸ˜
All i need is DHIL and I sleep with nothing to be stressed about
I had all the 3-star blessings for Remembrance, the Ice weakness applier per ult, as well as Memosnatcher but I still couldn't get past Kafka. Sadge. My March/Misha/Pela/Luocha build is too weak.