
This story was included in "Cozy Hideaway Collection" but I was asked to release a short sleep story. And here it is with lake sounds.

✨You may also listen on the podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/michelles-sanctuary/episodes/A-Tiny-Story-About-a-Tiny-Cabin-Bedtime-Story-for-Grown-Ups-e2m0vjb

Subscribe for more videos at my other channel, Michelle's Meditation Sanctuary! 

Gifts are always accepted, for those of you who wish you show appreciation:


Wow β€”what a surprise!


Absolutely love the sound of the waves gently rolling in….thanx Michele πŸ™


The story you wrote is amazing! By telling a very lively and engaging story, you have brought us entertaining and touching moments. Thank you for your time and dedication to creating such memorable stories. Wishing you a good night's sleep and full of energy to start a fresh new day!


ahh! I love this!! Back to simplicity! Thank you ❀❀❀ you write so beautifully Michelle. The sensory experience you invoke is so needed. It’s like a soft blanket for my overstimulated mind.


Oh, it's Sunday again! Thank you!


What a treat Michelle  thank you, my trusted friend, for making Tuesday's end, so cozy and relaxing 😍 i love cabins a tiny cabin and a lake sounds like a perfect getaway 😊 goodnight ✨️ βœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈβœ¨οΈπŸ’› πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’› 9:21


I love cabin stories .


Didn't see this one coming, thank you Michelle 😊!!!!


Just the right length!  I love it!


Love a well narrated story 😊


So beautiful.. This feels like the story of how Ike and Martha's community has been  built around them, by people who care and support one another to reach for their dreams. So many of your characters in the different stories and series are people if love to meet. Ike, Martha, Rose, Rosey, the candle shoppe lady, the librarian, the laundry club, the cat Cafe, the light house keeper and so many more. They feel like part of our community, strung out like a net over the world. The net formed with care, love, gratefulness, compassion, support and encouragement. Your stories and the support of many people in the YouTube community give me a boost when I am struggling, helping me to hold on to the hope that I can get better and make a difference to my community... I love to listen to stories, to read and to write. One day maybe I will be weaving a story net of my own, giving others a boost, thru the words I write in my own novels. That's my dream and it's only possible because you and others like you gave me the chance to listen and dream again.
Blessings, Dot


Omg, just found this! Lovely surprise πŸ’ž


Love this tiny story idea x


Yay surprise treat!


Wow nice story ❀


❀thank you so much ❀


Amazing 😊


Just the extra break I needed today! So sweet! πŸ₯° (I hope you were cuddling a tiny pupper while you were writing this, lol)


Did not expect two videos this week