3:50 “So if the enemy with ‘Prey’ dies, you don’t do follow-ups anymore, they just DISAPPEAR AMONG THE SEA OF BUTTERLIES”
It's actually amazing if you think about it that they FINALLY made a character that literally can't lose any HP with his kit
I don't know if anyone else has already thought about this, but if jinwoo disappears from the field when "departed", couldn't that be a big boost to counter characters like clara and yunli? With the right lineup, every AOE attack will hit the main dps no matter what. I hope this gets tested.
Moze is goated. They cooked with everything he got biggest buff of the patch. Also the problem with him replacing Topaz is I don't have/need her and I plan on using both March and Moze together.
Gets early access back and does a guide on the best character in the patch‼️‼️
I actually really like this channel it's so interesting and Brax seems like a down to earth guy
Welcome back brax to the early access team
I don't really see an issue with replacing Topaz or March with him cuz you could just run two different follow-up teams for difficult content, the main problem is there's too many good hunt characters and not enough LCs. Hopefully between summoning for Feixiao and Robin I can e6 him.
Jingliu’s wife uploaded 🔥
i WISH he was the 5 star hes so amazing and beautiful, also im still mad you never made a jiaoqiu guide, I actually had to think for myself when i built him
I find it interesting how Hunt is about single target damage but has been coming out with dual dps teams lately
Minor mistake: E1 triggers on additional damage from Prey, not the FUA, so 18 energy and not 6.
Sung jun woo at home had me dying lmaoooooooo
Moze does do multiple hits Brax! It works for both Swordplay and Final Victor
+ He doesn't need SPD at all, like all into ATK and he'll be cracked since he disappears from action order anyways :D
Yay! The funny guidemaker is back on the early access!
As expected from HSR version Sung jin-woo, he is such a STRONG 4 star character
"getting eidolons is easier for him"...me being at E0 after over 90 pulls (Feixiao was kind enough to come home like 20 pulls before a single one of him) and I'm out of warps for now lol