
my teacher soent an entire class period teaching this and I had no idea what he was even talking about. I see 5 minutes of this video, and I understood it completely. thanks so much


Thank you for the comments!


just a quick question, in minute 4 you compare the function 1/(n-2)^(1/2) to 1/n^(1/2) which is actually smaller than the original function. since the definition of the comparison test says that in order for this to work the function An has to be between 0 and Bn. in other words: 0<An<Bn, wouldn't the example you showed be wrong?


When writing out a factorial, you are multiplying by the starting number and every integer down to 1.  For example 3! = 3 * 2 * 1.  So if you have n!, as n increases, so does the factors that you are multiplying by, whereas the base of 2 you only ever multiply by 2 for any value of n-1.  3! > 2^2 because 6 > 4 and 4! > 2^3 because 24 > 8.  Essentially, the factorial increase faster than the exponent.


you just took something that looks so horrible and scary on paper and turned it into something human friendly!! THANK YOUU SO MUCH!!! 


bullcleo1 > patrickJMT 
I find your videos more organized and clear. 
Thanks Man


@ 5:13 why are we saying is it >? and not <?


you also could use 1/n^2 starting n at 4 since 4^2 is 16 and 4! is 24 as long as 1/n!> 1/n^2.  


how do I know if its inconclusive?


i think that is relating this n! to the"growth rates of sequences" which states that n! grows faster than b^n ....... that's how i think he got that random thing


OMG THANK YOU FOR UPLOADING!!!!! You're a lifesaver. :D


That is an interesting cursor you have there.


Why did you choose to compare n! to 2^n?


we could also use the root test in the second example right?


thank you , such a life savor


Yes, that is correct.  


I don't understand example #2 Bn is smaller than An. The rule for the comparison test states that 0<an<=bn. what is missing here?


great work !!! very helpful !!!


Where can I get PDFs of these slides ?


what is the straterg to know which test to apply when