
Hi Guys! Hope you're having an amazing week, a quick photo/light sensitivity warning for the first minute or so. I almost didn't upload this because I felt like the hand mold part dragged but if you enjoyed this please let me know! <3


Her doing the hand thing by herself is a mood


Her: The most popular TikTok trend at the momemt

Me: literally never seen this in my life


I literally just bought LED lights

And then

I see the starry projector



FYI the incense won’t work If there’s any air disturbances such as a fan or aircon


Who else got stressed when she didn’t put the draining tube for the min washing machine in a glass


The mini washer is a child’s toy. It’s not actually meant for blenders lol it’s for a a Barbie dream house


Tiktok: Yeah, we got her too.


The incenese burner doesn’t work if you have a fan turned on or an ac, and the beauty blender washing machine didn’t work because the white thing next to it is a draining tube, which you have to put into a glass and then it won’t spill.


Aghhh, the failed waterfall gave me so much anxiety 😥


She said that she was “definitely most excited for” almost every one 😂


This is how many people have never won a giveaway


Hey random person scrolling through the comments just remember that u r really really 
F - friendly 
A - amazing 
N - nice 
T - tremendous 
A - awesome 
S - super 
T - the best
I - individual 
C - creative


As soon as I saw the notification, I said “thank you! Now my broke self won’t waste her money because there’s a review”


Tik Tok is taking over the world like the corona virus
Edit: OMG thank you for 275 likes
Edit 2: Yay 300 likes thanks
Edit 3: My mind is blown away thank you for 350 likes


I love the idea of making your hand mold, especially since you can store rings on it.


Me: looking a the hand thing
Also me: Why is there a little bit still in between the fingers?!


The smoke fall does work. You just need to step back and not breath near it and it will go down. If your wondering how I know I have one.


One ingredient slime recipe to the 1% that sees this and probably doesn't care:
Pour some white-out on a plastic or glass surface
Wait until the white out's top layer is a little sticky to where you can touch it
then carefully peel it off and start kneading it with your fingers
make sure to leave it in an airtight container, or it will dry up
I stumbled across this method when some white-out spilled on my table I didn't notice it until morning but then I picked it up and it felt like slime.


I've done that hand casting thing when I was supporting my hand into the alginate casting material it was very very cold