The next blonde sustain will powercreep every character in the game by being the only character that can jump


I still use my Luocha. His the goat, THE GOATT


Loucha's emergency heal follow up still saves me up to this day.


Luocha never leaves my Blade's team.
Hes the emergency ambulance that punch life into my dead walking man


Adventurine is basically Zhongli, strongest survivability, issue is in the event they add enemies that do chip damage through shields like Wolf hounds.


Lynx is so cute fr


Luocha has his uses, I'm able to still use him at 161+ SPD when Galla is on other team


I remember i was battling Sam and literally Luocha was the only survivor. Those emergency heals kept him alive LMAOOOO and it was just chipping HP from there on and i won 😂


The next blonde sustain is gonna shield, heal, buff, revive, deals damage comparable to Acheron, counter, and also be really good for exploring

Edit:Also a 4* that you get his e6 for free(His e6 makes him stronger than an e6s5 Acheron against 5 lightning weak whose defenses are reduced by 136% + Robin and RM)


Luocha literally saved me through Penacony. he's not going anywhere


Luocha's healing is insane actually


Luocha was indeed powercrept but I built mine with 96 res that makes him untouchable (I'll make it 100 soon), so even if everyone is down he can still do his job fine.


He's the superior blonde sustain 🤣


Luocha still my GOAT


E3 S2 Luocha, non shall replace him


Luocha's stonks gonna go up in 3.0 cuz of the incoming hp and summon meta.


i use both luocha and adventurine and honestly they carried my team


Loucha is still HIM fr 🗣🔥


Luocha is still a goat frfrfr, Aventurine's great but when you need that last heal, Luocha will be there for you, thanks buddy, I have both Aven and Luo


Talk about Powercreept Luocha. Wait until HSR's form of corrosion comes into the meta lol