9:34 "Mother of God!" -Mendeleev's Last Sentence before his death.
10:19 Rest in peace
Legendary Lords
I. Love you
Dora vs Mendeleev. Leviathan's Task for Dora
Rest in piece mendeleev... I knew it was gonna happen since i watched the original channel but i won't spoil anything
What if mendeelev didn't move forward alone?
I like levithan power
Rip mendeleev
That Kv-2 in the first part of the video is KV Chelyabinsky's Father
I still can't get over how terrible the voice acting is but mendeleevs death was sad 😢always remembered
Please add india to current channel please 🥺
ارجوك هل تستطيع تنزيل قناه بل عربي🥺