
Alessi's safe word. "Done!" Lol


You're such a loving, sweet mom to little Alessi ❤!




Cute ❤! Mom can pretend it’s fun all she wants, but baby’s done!


I like her shoes ❤


She so funny when she said DONE!!!


I think she needs to see her siblings having fun on the swings for a bit


Funny thing: As a kid, I hated the swing, but I was having much fun climbing trees and fences 😂
Go figure


week she said that word well.   DONE


She said 'Dad!'


Baby Alessie's safe word is Done😅


She is scared, kids go trough different phases. My daughter loved to jump in the swimming pool and dive when she was 3. At 4, she didnt want to be close to the swimming pool until i just pushed her😂. We were swiming together for s bit and she was fine ufter that. My dad did the same thing with my brother (possibly with all of us but i just dont remember 😂)... And all of us love the water.


❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂 done😂😂😂😂😂


DONE‼️ ✅


Alessi doesn't wanna go far from Mummy


Oh, Sigundul is so scared 😊


There is an older video of Alessi in a swing and enjoying it.  What happened? 🧐


She's so nervous and scared of things...



Janess is our translater!! Alessi's words are still Latin and Greek to me!!!😅😅😅

