Save Today is a beautiful song! Probably my favorite on this album.
This one is my favourite. I love how every instrument is perfectly heard and have a special task.
My disaster, nobody praying for me, crash... the whole album cover to cover is a masterpiece ❤
This is my driving in the mountains without service song... ❤❤❤
All of them.. Seether freaking Rocks 🤘
I love "Words As Weapons" it is psychologically deep! However, my favorite song from Isolate and Medicate would have to be, "Save Today!" That song has certain lyrics that I identify with in my life. But the whole album is Perfection! Seether always impresses us fans!!
Save Today is such a gorgeous song. I think I'd have to go with that one! My Disaster is up there for me as well (and Weak is for sure if you wanna count it)! This was my first full Seether record I listened to, so it'll always be special
Sounds so good. Love your epic talents guys!!🎉❤🎶 🎤🎶 🎸🎶 🥁 🎶🎸🎶🎉❤
I love the one you're singing here, but my favorite is NOBODY PRAYING FOR ME. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
“Nobody praying for me” and “see you at the bottom” are tied for me. This album came at a rough time in my life, and I was questioning what I was doing with my life. I was in a very stressful career and it was bleeding into my personal life, and I felt no one cared what it was doing to me, and I also did not like the person I was becoming as a result. Seether and other artists helped get my anger and frustration out, and I’m grateful for that.
ALL OF THEM! I love this album so much! I have a shirt, poster, and vinyl of the album...
My Disaster, Keep The Dogs at Bay, Words as Weapons, Nobody Praying For Me...masterpiece album
Save Today, Burn the World and Words as Weapons has been my go to as of lately. My wife decided I wasn’t worth it and left me in October. I’ve been going through all your albums with a shattered soul and a bleeding heart. Don’t ever stop making music guys, a lot of us need you more than you know. 🖤
All of them! ❤
My sister is my favorite I was recovering from my mental health illness but I stood strong every day stay focused following my heart always and love myself more and my mom more my goal for my mom and me is to have better relationships and stay united as a family and yeah my mental health is going well kept listening to your music and inspiring myself my second fav is save today that’s song saved me from suicidal thoughts and depression thanks to your music keeps me going and inspiring 💪
I really think that this song is one of the greatest of all time
All of them are my favorites but this one has been my ringtone/alarm since it came out ❤. Love you guys! Keep making great music please!
Great Album 🤟🤟🤟🤟
Same damn life, listened to it since I was 4