The fact Jake and Johnnie are scared of it lol
Colby also raised a simp 🙏
I love this is because I literally did the same thing like a year ago, but I couldn’t post so I’m literally so glad that you could and FRFR
I think of spirits as living people although most spirits are humane some remain not so human Just bc they are bad or mean you don’t have the right to think of them as nothing most are not bad they just rely on their past and stuff like that I don’t see why ppl fear them… think of them as your own ppl
This made me smile so big
Jake johnnie and colby all match in the first and then theres sam😂😂😂
do i smell... UNDERRATED CONTENT HERE?????????
that’s me ngl 😭 except i taught myself not to be scared since i been thru a lot but anyway
It kinda sounds like it’s actually saying colby
Yeah totally agree
Yessssssssssssssssss ❤❤❤❤❤
Sam raised a simp😂
Ur not wrong
Why does Colby looks like he is apart of Jake and johnnie
This is Very good!. And yes I like my own comment bc nobody wants to, Seriously 😢