I am not Muslim,but really feel blessed and at peace when I listen to Islamic recitations and prayers before I start the day.
اللهم اشفي ابني واهديه و ابعد عنواصحاب السوء .دعواتكم بالشفاء والهداية اخوتي اخواني في ظهر الغيب فهي مستجابة
For everyone who read this. May Allah bless you and reward you and protect you and lead you on your path. May Allah soften your heart and surround you with love. Say Amen if you agree💕
I’m a revert Muslim and listen every day when I wake up Jazakallahkher brother Omar beautiful voice my favorite recitation 🤲
World best recitation of Ayatul Kursi.
I love listening to this version. Not been sleeping well for a long time now. It's 5.15 am in London been up for a few hours now. May the Almighty Allah swt bless anyone reading this.
I'm not Muslim either but this is the most beautiful thing iv ever heard.l play it when it's time to rest.Also makes my crying grandson stop crying n fall asleep. It's just so beautiful.
Astagfourlaye ya Rabbi donne moi la santé et la richesse et protège mon fils dans ses études accorde le paradis à mon père et ma mère exauce nos prières Merci à Hisham pour cette belle récitation qu'Allah soit satisfait de lui Amine ya Rabbi alamine
I m not Muslim but when I listened it my heart is touched like when you receive in the early morning the sun light on your skin ......
It’s a must for me to play this every night when I’m going to sleep Masha’Allah 🤍🤍🙏🏽 may Allah swt bless you Omar Hisham🙏🏽🙏🏽🤍
I'm not Muslim and im transgender.. But deep in my heart there's Islam.. my father is Chinese(Buddha) and my mom is Christian.. I go to temple and church but.. Deep in my heart.. Islam is the one.. I secretly admit that there is only one God that is Allah.. Pray for me brothers and sisters in finding my way to Allah ☺️ such wonderful words and im crying hear this..
My Baby always calms down when he hears that beautiful recitation 🌹
Your voice is a gift of allah
Take a few seconds and say Astaghfirullah x3 SubhanAllah x3 Allhamdulillah x3 Allah-hu-Akbar x3 La ilaha illallah x3 Congratulations good deeds for both of us
Am a Muslim from Philippines. I really like the Quran reading style of Omar Hisham. Soul captivating and heart touching. I cannot control my tears falling down while listening.
This is the best alternative to filthy music ❤️😍 Lots of blessings to Omar Hisham Alarabi
I am not Muslim, but I am inspired by his voice and his honor and praise to the most high. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
Pls prayers for my mum who I dont see and missing her.Allah bless mum aways my mum
আলহামদুলিল্লাহ ইন্নাল্লাহা গাফুরুর রাহীম আন্তা সুবহানাকা আল আহাদুন মালিকুল হাক্কুল মূলকুলিল্লাহ আন্তা সুবহানাকা সামাদুন লাম ইয়ালিদ ওলাম ইউলাদ ওলাম ইয়া কুল্লাহু কুফুওয়ান আহাদ, ইয়া আল আজিজুল রহিম অদুদ সালামুন গাফুরুর মান্নান ❤