
All videos in New Zealand are now here: :yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75Dx0tHofvY&list=PLUt18OGs5Ho6MWwNexACMiYvCN9QXI7Lz - Enjoy!


New series... NEW ZEALAND! Come discover this beautiful country with us!


The glass floor!! This visuals literally left me breathless and the food looks absolutely amazing ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ


Renata:Congratulations to you guys for your new remarkable video todayโ€™s from Auckland, New Zealand to shows these amazing places & Landmarks in April of 2024โคโคโค


Thank you for this video with your exploration and adventure in New Zealand.


wow look so mazing .. tahnks for sharing beautiful city New Zealand:hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving:


What a joy.  Beautiful views.  Good clear commentary.  Delightful couple.


My favorite YouTuber, thanks for this amazing content. May God bless you always.:hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving:


omg I'M very thirilled that!! one of your last video i commented new zealand !!! and like a fairy godmother with video!!thank you so much 
love from INDIA


"Wow, your video really made Auckland come alive for me! ๐ŸŒŸ After watching your first impressions, Iโ€™m totally inspired to visit New Zealand. The city looks amazing, and I love how you captured its vibe. Canโ€™t wait to see more of your adventuresโ€”keep them coming!"


๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿปโ€ฆ.119.  A video with beautiful images. Well done!


Congratulations on 300k ๐ŸŽ‰ New Zealand is on my bucket list. Not sure when I will get there but we just finished a trip to Iceland. New Zealand looks much warmer. Looks like a lot To do. Iโ€™ll take the incoming call please transfer beer to South Carolina! I would sky jump for sure!


I loved you detailing every other landmark you had visited when you were inside the Sky Tower. I have traveled to a few countries but want to do as many as possible. Hearing you say "Not yet" was very inspiring.


Finally you are starting the New Zealand video series! Nice to see Renata and Gordon walking around in my city. I smiled through the whole video. Yes we have had an extremely wet year last year. It broke records. This year has been much better though. Auckland is a volcanic city. Over 50 of them with Rangitoto being the most impressive and distinctive in the harbour. Hopefully it doesn't erupt again soon. If it does...it was nice to meet you! Yes restaurant prices in NZ are slightly cheaper than Australia but almost everything else is more expensive. And you will get 4 seasons in one day here. Was impressed with both of your rugby kicks!


You guys surely had a great time! Auckland seems to be such a beautiful and modern town, would love to visit it some day for sure. Never stop travelling! ๐Ÿ‘


beautiful view from sky jump:hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving::hand-pink-waving:


Wait till you get to the South Island. Totally different from the North, another beautiful side of NZ, but has stunning views. Pity you arrived during autumn/winter. I have sub to watch your journey. All the best!


Hi ..you were getting nice expereince from your travel to newzeland....i watch whole video as it was one of my favourite country to travel....your video editing were wonderful and wow....Thank you for you to take  like this video...


Great video Renata, my son and his family are moving to Aukland in next 3 weeks, your video has reassured me this  truly is a wonderful city.
Oh and by the way the weather can change just as quick in Scotland xxx


How lucky are those who have the opportunity to see and live a far better future in Auckland than what they could have lived with some commoner elsewhere.
All the Best.