
marc is one of my biggest inspiration rn


I love how marc still says there could be more rendering to do besides the piece looking finished. As an artist i have classes with once said, " the real challenge is when to stop and decide something is complete".


I actually needed this , I am always so confused on where the next step is , thank you so much đŸ’ȘđŸ»


Coming back to this after practicing for another year is awesome. 

After learning more, I'm finding that this video is teaching me more than it did before.

As they say: "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know."


Hey Marc, art school grad (sadly), I've been watching your videos regularly since last August and have been trying to improve since January by following your videos step by step, and I've seen more improvement in the last four months than in the previous four years. Thank you so much. Tu es le meilleur, mec !


Having a fun idea that's well executed is my favorite part of the render. We, as artists, see the problems with our work at the end... but we have to take a step back and look at it with fresh eyes.

That's why I go through my old sketchbooks from time to time in awe at my past self. "Why did I think this looks bad, it's such a fun picture" "this mini comic is making me laugh out loud why didn't I post it?"

Speaking of rendering... I gotta get back to my own stuff. I have a due date for my first comission thanks to your class and my ipad has probably recharged by now. 

Thank you for your hard work!


If I'm ever in a rut with art and feel disheartened, the music and the way Marc explains things just kickstarts my engines and makes me want to draw for hours. I love this!


Please do more of these, the full process really helps knit together a painting of my own knowing I can follow the basic principles frame by frame in my own time
-also render stage 3 would be very cool to see ^^


Beautiful, mystical, masterful! Even with solid art fundamentals it can be overwhelming to deconstruct everything that goes into completing a painting. And when my painting finally looks good as a thumbnail, I still zoom in and wonder "is it done?." That's why I watch that one ART School video on digital illustration over and over. I love seeing your full painting process!


tbh nothing teaches better than watching people like you do your thing and explain how and why. thanks a lot!


woah! as a hardcore zelda fan, i wasn’t expecting this at all lol..great work!! zelda looks great in your style


When you flame yourself at the end I just relate way too much. Marc the painting is breathtaking! Flaming it will bring tears to the Kingdom of Hyrule. And we don’t want that đŸ˜‚â€

It is amazing please be proud of yourself đŸ«Ą


I really enjoyed watching this class, it was nice to see you do a full render from start to finish like that and explain your thoughts whilst doing it


I started my art journey this year and this channel is literally perfect from the livestreams you post, to the exact video guides I’ve been looking for, thank you


This kind of content is awesome. I struggle massively when it comes to painting and rendering and seeing the process explained it really helps me have a direction when before it seemed like I was just throwing random brush strokes


Everyone seems to be sinking hours into the new Zelda game. Which is understandable because it is quite an amazing game. Great job on another awesome class, Marc. Looking forward to the next one.


Thanks for this. It really helps watching other artist do their thing and learn from it. 😊


Love it! Your process videos are a great addition to your classes, it's as if i'm seeing it all come together! Thank you for helping me on my art journey as always 🙏


Marc you should do more of these ( when you have time of course lol ) it's always nice to see an artists process at work. Plus it's nice to learn some new things as well.  Always looking for growth!


Vraiment un modĂšle pour moi depuis quelques annĂ©es, je me suis vraiment amĂ©liorĂ©e en regardant tes vidĂ©os et processus! ♡