Talisa: I got this rainbow makeup palette, it's so pigmented! Also Talisa: destroys it
Talisa: adds WATERcolor paint Slime: gets watery Talisa: surprised pikachu
A little tip, if you’re adding a bunch of powdery makeup and it starts to get tough, add body lotion. This will not only moisturize your slime, but make it smooth and soft. Edit: can’t believe I have to make an edit, but this was mainly for OTHERS who don’t know.
"Turned into this texture with loads of bumps in it" Jaclyn Hills Lipstick has entered the chat
Let’s play the “slime game” Last digit is the scent 1. Vanilla 2. Pumpkin 3. Lavender 4. Cotton candy cupcake 5. Hot chocolate 6. Minty garden 7. Latte 8. Vanilla pumpkin 9. S’mores 0. Cherry First digit is the color: 1. red 2. Orange 3. Yellow 4. Green 5. Blue 6. Purple 7. Pink 8. White 9. Rainbow 0. Black And your birthday month is the type of slime it is! January: Cloud February: cloud cream March: clear April: putty May: buttery June: fluffy July: instant snow August: Instagram September: color changing October: clay slime November: iceberg slime December: pick I’m not ganna leave you like a slime... 1. Yourself 2. Yourself 3. Yourself 4. Yourself 5. Yourself 6. Yourself 7. Yourself 8. Yourself 9. Yourself 0. DONALD TRUMP
2:10 lol last time I checked this wasn't an "adding too much" video Talisa 😂😂😂
Legend has it, she’s been having the same nail style for 100 years. Slay those nails, queen.
My whole family: is asleep Her: HI GUYS me: throws phone across the room
As soon as I saw “slime coloring”, I’m like “god thank you for hearing my wish” ;)
Talisa: pours slime on a makeup pallete wow its so pigmented! distroys it Me: cries
She is like the best person, I LOVE your accent. I wish I had that accent
I love how everyone is saying they’re first,and theyre not first, but the person who is actually first says something else lol
When your early and you don’t know what to say. I loved the method where you did I the clay mixing one ❤️❤️❤️
Makeup store : We finally finished this rainbow pallete, I hope people uses it wisely Talisa : Destroys pallete
Wow!!! That pastel avalanche slime was GORGEOUS!!
You should cut open stress toys and then mix it into slime That would be really cool
Can we just appreciate how cool that spoon is at 4:28
Talisa: “body glitter” Me: chokes on baguette Me: WHAT IS BODY GLITTER Loved the video Tal :)
I wish I had as much slime as you! Love your videos Talisa! <3