You know the acting is good when ppl are fighting about the actors actions
Selfish, shameless, audacious. But at least, Shun got the love he'd always wanted.
the audacity and selfish desire to want his cake and eat it too but also the pain of being away from his true love and the longing both had for each other is beautifully portrayed.
How can people say it was Shun fault? Make it make sense. Shun had to endure 5 years of heartbreak because the love of his life wanted to be a 'proper man in society?! WTH? It was clearly Nagisa's fault for ALL OF IT.
This was a beautiful film, about how living your truth is most important. This poor man was torn, between what society and family require of him, and what his true self needs and wants. No one should have to feel they need to hide what they are. Thank goodness society is beginning to come around, even though progress is very slow in countries like Japan and Korea. I stand with the LGBT+, community, praying you will all have equality worldwide soon. Happy Pride Month!.
Well and here's the best example of what happens when you lie yourself into something that will never be you
Japan always got good actor.. when they cry. They cry look real .they are another level
the part where he apologized was so heartfelt. these actors are honestly amazing.
May not like or agree with how this went about - marriage & having a child & being promiscuous but it happens in reality all the time. This film is good for this portrayal & no matter what side you are on there are people living double lives to this day- colleagues, friends by association . As women we should not ignore even the slightest flags just to obtain the fantasy marriage & picket fence- no such thing! My eyes were opened years ago & I am better for it. Good movie clip.
The boyfriend and ex wife deserve better Shun was a real heel to both of them
His selfishness broke three lives. As long as he’s happy nothing else matters. He’s got the gall to go back and tell his ex everything he’s done. There’s are no words to describe someone like that.
Film was a tight slap to society actually Those who don't accept the gay men need to understand this that just to make Them happy he can't ruin people nagisa endured for 5 yr, yes he is selfish and i hate him for this, but he did suffer also his poor wife whole life is ruined..and shun waited for him, 3 people life were shattered because of society happiness...glad it is settled now
I always wonder about that. Parents that rip their kids apart from their ex out of spite somehow always believe that its worth the price for the momentary satisfaction that they get. But they ever account for the price they will pay with their child once they realize what was taken away from them. How do you say to your kid, "I'm sorry I took your father away from you out of spite - so now you have life-long issues ...oopsy!" Not very convincing and impossible to forgive or excuse.
I pity him, he suffers too much as well. Not being able to stay with the loved one it's really painful, hurts even more knowing that it will never be really happy cause even you family hates you. At this film they're all selfish, they're all hurt, they're all have their own battles and any of them can understand the other e forgive themselves and in the end the little child suffers too. It's so sad still happens so many situations like that in real life, judging it's really easy when it's not on you.
Lmaooo this literally just made me watch it over to see his happy ending after what egoist did to me.
It's a biggest fear as a woman.... U Loved someone have kids with him and one day u get to know he never loved u
My god the acting.. it felt like I am third wheeling in their room with them... Felt so real and awkward.. so real... My God.. I cant say in words
That’s part of the things you do when you want to blend in this society so desperately !And as a result a few people become really unhappy and hurt!
The original Nagisa Shun TV limited series was even more complex, tender, and funny.