
Mydei’s a memosprite confirmed


Today is just not Mydei


You can now buy Blade’s Memosprite.


The worst part is that they omitted his autoplay in 3.1 live stream. They clearly knew people wouldn't like it. People didn't like it in the beta yet they kept it.


My issue with it purely comes from how half-assed it feels, like Mydei isn't even your typical bloodlust berserker in the story, nor is he a cocky won't take orders kind of guy either, so the forced auto already feels out of place canonically. HOWEVER, my biggest gripe is just how... LAME their implementation is. Like, he forces us to auto and nothing about any of his animations or voicelines even indicates he's doing it because he's a show off or going insane, how about a cocky 'lmao you thought?' line IF we try to target with him, or more smug bastard grins in his facial expressions, or even his idle stance showing a man who definitely looks uncontrollable instead of doing the same ass Aventurine pose with red aura around him. Like auto already sucks, why does the presentation suck too? Nothing about his animations even implies he has forced auto


The craziest thing is that at the end of 3.1 he became much wiser in his decisions and did what was best for his people and the entire world, practically sacrificing himself. He no longer has any of the uncontrolled berserker aspect that Nikador wanted him to be in the test.


turn based is supposed to be a strategy game, and this games is rapidly turning into the opposite of that


My disappointment is immeasurable and Mydei is ruined


The only """synergy""" his random targeting auto battle state has is that hes practically immune to curios and other effects that make you miss your target


If he was Kalpas levels of insane this would make a lot of sense but in the story he seems pretty rational especially in the end


A berserk uncontrollable state would be great for a 4 star unit. They have weak, incomplete, and/or weird kits. Like qq sp gamble, yukong hybrid, moze being weirdly fua, and arlan hp cost. So losing control in exchange for a buff would actually be a nice fit for a 4 star


based off of hoyo's history with non-support male 5-stars - it doesn't surprise me that they "accidentally" mess up his gameplay mechanics,, i know its too late for them to change it but like i REALLY hope they do,, i've been so excited for a new male 5-star DPS man (i've been coping by force building DPS on my Jiaoqiu this whole time)


VA: ✅️
Lore: ✅️
Drip: ✅️
Physics: ✅️
Gameplay: 🤔 questionable


Thanks for bringing this up, I hope more creators bring this up. His e1 won't even fully fix the issue since only his god slayer attack becomes aoe and only that get ult targeting priority. The majority of your attacks will still be at the mercy if the ai and it'll most likely miss the real target. For example if an elite enemy has like 10% hp left and the other has 50%, the aoe from king slayer will probably kill the 10% elite and you will want the primary to be the 50% elite. The ai will target the 10% as primary with the kingslayer. That can make a big difference in AS where action values matter. Most importantly I want to play a character I pull, not a npc, membership or summon instead.


It dosen't even fit him lorewise like some people claim it does, If his personality was more like his HI3 counterpart Kalpas then this would have made sense, but Mydei feels too sane to have a state where he loses control


Bro is basically that one curio in SU that forces auto battle.


Hoyo: male characters don't sell well
Hoyo: does this to male characters
Hoyo: they just don't sell

It's literally possible to improve his use experience without removing the auto-target; just block off his basic attack and let the player trigger his skill... y'know... just like Jingliu... It would still suck because it's bad at a conceptual level, but it wouldn't suck quite as much.

Edit: A couple of these replies are so hilariously out of touch. I didn't say male characters don't sell well; I was making a joke-comment about how the company acts like they don't... y'know... hence the use of "Hoyo:" at the beginning of each line... You may wish to work on your internet-reading comprehension skills. You should have at least tried to argue the actual point of the comment rather than your imagined point.


Between this and the whole thing with Castorice's "legendary" passive, feels like the HSR team finally revealed their true face and will stop being 'generous' with the rewards.



Not even a stone age Gacha like Fate/GO would have the BALLS of making such a dumb decision



And the fact he’s imaginary is so weird, his kit requires him to get hit by enemies but if he weakness breaks he just slows enemies?? It contradicts his own kit