
Iran has missiles up to 5000km. Why only the 700km one? The list isnt complete like always.


Iran controls the range of missiles due to sanctions. The Qased missile, which is being used in Iran's space industry, can carry a nuclear warhead and its range is up to 12,000 km, which is currently used to launch satellites.


Here so many missiles are missing 😂lol


The Fatah 2, Khorramshahr 4, Shahab 3, Sejil and Khyber Shakan missiles are Iran's main missiles.


Where is agni v


Wow!  Russia owns longest range military missile??


Agani 6 12000 km 🇮🇳
Research better


Agni missile is missing 
Range-5000-6000 km


Agni 6 12000km


Почему нет ракеты России Буревестник с ядерной силовой установкой и неограниченной дальностью?


Brazil He has
MTC-300 Range: 300 km 
Mansup Range: 90 km


where is agni series did you not aware of that bro ?


Where Indian Agni -5 missle❤


The man who invented missiles was a genius GERMANS   KNEW  ULTIMATE LEVEL OF ENGINEERING Missile can travel 10 times Speed of Sound


Very  interesting


Pakistan... Shaheen 🇵🇰 💀💀


Where is AGNI-5. Minuteman III, RS-24 Yars. Dongfeng-41??????

AGNI-5 is 5,000km Range
Minuteman III is 13,000km Range
RS-24 Yars is 12,000km Range
Dongfeng-41 is 15,000km Range


Many missiles are not even listed😂😂😂....Iran has far more than just one and also some with a range of more than 5000 km!!! What a fake here😂😂😂✊🏼🇮🇷🇮🇷❤❤️🚀🚀🚀


Looks like N korea took "it needs to be pointy" to a whole new level


Shaheen 3 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰