Reminder guys that even tho he didn’t win, don’t compare his art to the winners! :) congrats to all the winners
The Arcanine with the Oddish as a concept- It's absolutely adorable. Well done Ross! Please participate in more contests in the future, we all love seeing the results even if you didn't place first. Second Runner up is still an amazing achievement out of all the submissions out there.
This piece is awesome!!! I personally think the oddish was a great touch and probably a reason why this piece ranked so high in the first place. It gives arcanine the vibe of being majestic and protective of other Pokemon❤
What happiness, I hope one day to work with you in some illustration! I am very proud of your work :') A hug dear friend.
I actually like it when there is a secondary pokemon on the card, it gives it more of scenic feel.
His entry felt like the OG Pokemon cards with lots of attention to color and background and details that make you want to look more than once. It's definitely a 1st place entry. Looking forward to more of your entries in future contests! Congratulations.
2nd runner up is already impressive enough! that's like top 3 out of every other contestants!! super proud of you!
I was considering taking part in this contest too, but... I've checked the rules and it turned out I can't because I'm not a "legal resident of the United States" or "legal resident of Japan". A little shout out to Nintendo - make your international contests a bit more international, please. It's sad to see that I can't take a part in something fun just because I don't live in one of those two countries. Anyways, great entry, mister Ross.
Your illustration and the way you portrayed arcanine was much better than the first place for sure, thats a little bit unfair but congratulations it was awesome!!!!!
I was looking at the winners, the art was so good. Congratulations on being on the top
Omg I vividly remember this Arcanine card when Pokémon announced the winners. Congratulations. It’s a beautiful card
Still can't get over Ross's pronunciation of Arcanine
I’m living in Europe, but so far the Pokémon illustration contest is only participle for residents from the United States, or Japan. I hope that they will change that next year, because there are great artists and big Pokémon fans out there who haven’t had the chance to participate in the Pokémon illustration contest. PS: congratulations Ross with being 2nd runner up. Arcanine and Oddish are so adorable 🤩🧡💛💚💙.
Man, I almost entered this competition because Scizor was one of the options, and I kinda regret that I didn't. When I thought "day in the life" I kind of thought of this cute, modest scene of Scizor carrying groceries with it's trainer. It's so unorthodox; I mean, Scizor is one of the most aggressive designs in the series, and DEFINITELY the most aggressive in the lineup for the contest but... One day I'll draw it for fun.
I love your art. You have a charming personality and every bit of your magic is reflected on your work. From the bottom of the heart of a Pokèmon fan, thank you for participating on this contest.
iv had that wallpaper for 2 years now and i just found out that ross drew it...
Congrats on the win! Even second runner up, that's awesome. I entered too but didn't make the Top 300. I entered an arcanine too. However, one thing still kinda bugs and confuses me. The contest rules gave a description for each Pokemon and then said they wanted to see something that encapsulates that description. Arcanine's was all about how tireless it is, how it's always running around gracefully. I really got the impression an arcanine had to be on the move to fit the rules, and thus mine was moving (guiding some pidgies to safety, and maybe you're right, other Pokemon may have been part of why I didn't make it into the 300). But then I saw a lot of top arcanine entries where they were sleeping! There was some great art, but it confused me, too, since the winners often had those sleeping/relaxing arcanines. I feel like I missed something, lol.
I freaked out when I saw the art in the listings! :D aww yeahh I recognize emm
Your art was my favorite in this contest. I use as wallpaper and I was really cheering for you and I'm glad you're happy 'cause you deserve everything!