
Praise be to God, I finished 3 hours regularly, without interruption, and accomplished two tasks. I am a third-year high school student and I have accumulated a lot, and God willing, with these videos, I will finish all of the higher tasks. ❤😊


I'm currently in my masters studying for my 6 upcoming exams in June. I don't like to study by myself so these videos are great for having a little company and staying focussed! Thankyou and goodluck everyone!


To everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus.


Still at it and using this because currently my motivation really is at an all time low. Just want the finals to be over and there is so much to do and so little time. It's hard for me to not stress myself. Tomorrow I will wake up earlier and not spend as much time mindlessly scrolling and get right to work as I know that usually my study times are morning and evening so that I can use my afternoon for calming down and getting other ToDos done.
Good luck everyone.

Edit: Thanks, it really helped. I'll take a break now.


Thank you for including me in the description :face-red-heart-shape:
Been here since 40K subscribers, seeing the channel just hit 80K subscribers proves how high the quality of your content is !
Congratulations :fish-orange-wide-eyes:


I will have an exam tommorow and i only studied for 2 days ;--; Thank you so much for helping me stay focused! And the rain sound is amazing :)


The best study videos!


So glad that this ASMR is pure rain, and not some crazy woman whispering, clicking, tapping on books, and rubbing her sweater.


Your videos really make me feel relaxed. They make studying enjoyable even though I study 14 hours a day. I watch different videos on your channel. I watch like 5 videos. I watch you from Algeria.  wish me luck on my final exams. There is only one week left and I am scared.


Thank you for the study session !!! It helped me get a lot of pending work done!!!!


Hiiii I want to say thah your videos helps me soo much on focusing I am gonna study for my exam witch is in 5 days that exam is for highschool called Highschool Enterance exam in my country I think it will be a good session wish you a happy dayy<3


HI, i love your vibes so much and I'm trying to study like you ❤❤


will study using this, thanks celine


Thx as always 💋💖


These days I have zero motivation to study. I am so sick of myself. I opened your video because I thought maybe I needed a study buddy. It's really tough when you have no desire or strength to study :( Any suggestions to get back on track? -asking to others also!


Thank you so much …I wish you a happy da


This was a greater help for me to focus well and start studying ✨️ thank u so much 🌷❤️


I love your video🤩🤩


I love your vibe, your style so much. Thanks for your video ><


You are so cute , lam watching from iraq ❤