
19:11 I love how Dagger fiddled with the controls in the exact right way to not see how to extend it


19:11 you need to wait for it to unfold and then you can extend it with the mouse


Don't forget to "return" the rented train. It might keep charging you. I downloaded a multifruit version of Haut Beyleron in FS22 and the train was broken. You could load it up and drive it, but when it went off the map, it kicked you out without an option to sell to the next town. It just kept those carrots I was finally able to grow on one of my favorite maps in the train forever after that, lol.


20:15 dunno if it extends actually, but if you look the last to forks at the trailer, they're literally right next to each other, so it would make sense that it does extend


The log trailer does extend if using mouse and keyboard it’s covered by advance controls holding right mb and moving mouse certain way


28:40 I laughed so hard when chainsaw started to run after the train. 😂


If you rent the equipment on the fertiliser contract you get all of the fertiliser ie 3 bags at £1900 each and only costs you £1000 rental fee. Empty the spreader at the end and you get the remaining to use on your fields


Y'all really should at least somewhat talk to each other through discord again like the old days, it would really make it feel more like a multiplayer series. 👍


You can easily drive threw to sell the stuff at the farmers  kiosk.  Just cut that big tree down.  I cleared alot of those trees to get at it easier.  Also you need the extension on the fert spreader to get more area done.


For all the people who were upset in the beginning for you dominating the desicion making, I see very few being upset with the fact that Chainsaw always has the newest/biggest tractor haha


The log trailer does extend, you only need to unfold it and than look at the f1 menu for the extra prompt.


"I'm not really worried about a little rolled fruit... That's probably pushing it though..." Loved that moment


You you need to wait for it to uniform and then you can extend it with the mouse


Having the same train issue on single player zielonka, up to 1000km it says. You just have to wait for it to come past then time the hire just right and hijack it.


I rented the train on hutan pantai and it told me ariving soon 165.8 km away.  i watched it go passed 3 times before i gave up and sold my crop for less money.  will try again but im sceptical.  fingers crossed


maybe it does extend but u had the controls group on tractor not trailer


I love that you got 1 bag of fertilizer for chainsaw and then took plenty more for yourself.  Bit ironic though.


Hi daggerwin, just caught up with the episodes! 3pm is my favourite time of day!


The fertilizer cost of the mission on field 77 was actually 16% of the money you got from the contract


With the one of the last updates, the trains travel distance doesn’t restart after it leaves the map. You can rent it and quickly enter it when it’s going passed or restart the game and the mileage will restart too.