The day I met Shaun many years ago before they were Seethre. he was so kind and so much fun to be around. I will always be a devoted fan 🎶💙🎶
The songs Gasoline, Driven Under, and Fine Again were what made me discover Seether back in 2000-2001. Heard them on 103.9 the x here in my hometown ❤ one of the first radio stations to play Seether on the airwaves.
My introduction to seether was hearing "Remedy" on an old YouTube video of 2000s memes in 2017, good times :)
Finding beauty when I was 13. Gave me words for emotions I didn’t know how to explain yet. Picked up guitar cause of it & learned everything y’all had. Love you guys.
Maybe 24 years ago? Driving down the road hearing that riff of Gasoline on the radio and about running off the road. Had never heard anything like it and fell in love. Of course then Broken just crushed my soul in the best way and the rest was history. You always write and sing what we feel in a way no one else does. Love you guys!!!!❤❤
Hearing the hits on the radio five years ago and I started listening to Seether on YouTube. Going through a separation and divorce. It really has helped me. Love Seether!!!!!😎😁😎😁😎😁😎
When I first heard Gasoline and Broken I became hooked. Their music really outstanding.!
Driving around in my Mustang with my learners permit on the way to football practice - Fake It comes on the radio, and I'm absolutely blown away. Been my favorite band of all time ever since - I'm now 28 years old.
My Initial Introduction To You Seether, Is All a Whirlwind of Emotions, Memories Running All Together Simultaneously With Raising A Family, Their School, Sporting Events, Video Games etc.. I Vividly Recall, How After The 1st Tragedy Losing Our Sister Mary Lee, 💔 The Release of The ‘ Broken’ Song, Punisher Movie, Video, ~(This Visually, Sonically Is What Really Grabbed My Attention To You, and Like a Magnet~ I’m Here Still.) I Too felt Broken Inside, I Remember Hearing, Seeing So Much Sadness That I So Much Could Relate To You With Your Music and Emotions of The Song~You Showed, Still Do Show A Vulnerability in Such A Deep, Melancholy Way~Masculine Yet Tender That Was, Still Is So Beautiful To Me, Medicinal To This Very Day. Shaun~Your Heartfelt Emotions, Genius Songwriting, and Musicianship I Also Feel, See In Your Eyes, Relate To Your Mannerisms You Reveal to Us Via Your Music With Dale, John, Clint & Now Corey, Other Songs Memories Of Yours~Fine Again, Remedy, All the Way Up to The Present. You’re Really are A Gift🙏. Thank You For Personally Helping Me ‘Save Today’, ‘Rise Above This’ All These Years, So Much More Than All These Words Can Ever Say… “Here’s to the memories we’ve created and the music still to come”! Much Love, Seether ❤🤍🖤🎤🥹🎮🎥✍️🎸🥁♥️🎮💜♾️
I had heard many of their songs over the years but never paid attention till I saw ‘Truth’ music video on FUSE TV Been addicted since
Rise Above This. Radio. I never really bought their albums till like 15 years later. Better late than never. I really like their music.
Saw them live on a festival tour when their only single was Fine Again. They totally blew me away! Been a die hard fan ever since and never looked back.
Remedy the music video! It opened my eyes to a whole new world.
Had heard them for years and started really noticing current rock bands about 15 years ago. Love that they give fans new & different music. Also, love the little growl in Shaun Morgan's singing voice. He has been through so much, losing his brother and other things in his life. Love it that 'Broken' was written for his daughter who was a baby at the time. That song gets me, especially the version featuring Amy Lee. We all thought it was about her. Ha! He showed us where his heart was. Love ya' Shaun.
My best friend, he taught me to play guitar, SEETHER Music,(mostly) MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BAND. He later took his own life. ALL SEETHER MUSIC BRINGS BACK THE MEMORIES OF MY BEST FRIEND. Thank you SEETHER!!!!!!
Thanks for this beautiful and bittersweet walk down memory lane. Tears:)
I had heard Fine again once or twice, and I liked the song, but not enough to listen to your guy's other stuff. What got me hooked was hearing My Disaster back in 2021. I have since listened to every song you guys have ever put out, bought merch, and even seen you guys at aftershock. It's safe to say you're my favorite band.
Fine Again. ❤ Came into my life when I really needed to hear it.
Fine Again was the first song for me 😊 love at first listen for sure 😂