Best random thing the algorithm has ever picked out for me lmao
Everything about this song is good. The "FETCH ME THEIR SOULS" followed by the actual song starting is so good, the zombies attacking, the raygun shooting sounds... this is going right into my playlist.
crispiest kick ive heard in my entire life holy
I usually dislike remixes/synthetic sounds but this, respectfully, goes fucking hard
This mix is tight asf bro, can’t wait for it to blow up
I love the gunshots being used as rapid fire drums. Honestly, I would love to see a remix or sequel to this that utilizes that aspect more, like the raygun firing or other weapons replacing instruments. But thats just the cherry atop the ice cream: this is already a fantastic song, and I love it.
ive been listening this on repeat for an hour now🔥🔥
I fucking got goosebumps , this is the hardest shit I ve heard in a while , and it brought up a big nostalgia , keep it up man!
0:25 my fav part. The zombie and the gun firing, just sounds amazing.
I need multiple loops for this song. It’s a banger. W in my books.
I’m so glad this is on Spotify and I listen to it whilst sleeping
This just gave me a slideshow in my head of every game of zombies I’ve ever played
This hits TOO hard 😭
0:16 biggest drop I've heard since Origins
this is the only song that has ever made the entirety of my skin feel like a unified energy source when listening to it with headphones.
🇰🇼The song is very beautiful and should go all over the world!
This mash-up brings back memories of me playing the dog round on bo1 zombies as a little kid on "Kino Der Toten" whenever I'd play on solo, whatever corner was closest to me I'll take that spot usually with the raygun in my hand. Usually it'd be the corners near quick revive in the starter room, near jugger-nog, and in the kitchen with speed cola.