Anyone else have to watch the video twice because the first time through you were so inspired by the beautiful lines and art style being made in front of you that the words went right over your head 🤦.
"your speed is just a reflection of your experience" This one is a great takeaway from this lesson for me.
Saw Power, clicked, realized she was drawn by my favorite artist, got super helpful advice
I'm saving money to join your art school cuz if I learn SO MUCH with only these free videos I don't wanna imagine how much I can learn with the whole package 😭😭
I’ve learned more from you than my own actual art teacher for the past 4 years much respect
Came for Power, stayed for Marc
These titles always hit home, I did recently realize how I neglected construction too much and how it's one of the reasons I didn't see myself improving. Thanks again for hammering it into me, always appreciate your videos!
I love this. Great concepts, great reminders. I get the impression that Marc is basically being the teacher he'd always wanted and needed - he's definitely that for me. I'm a bit older than him and have been doing art for a long time - and I learn SO MUCH from this channel. Thank you so much for your many contributions to the art community, Marc!
These youtube quick lessons are a great add on to your art program Marc 💖 love being an student.
"YOU'VE BEEN LEARNING ART THE WRONG WAY" But Marc, I've been learning art... from you!
Best way to progress? Marc out here helping us In every art related topic Respect
master has blessed us with csm art this makes me very happy 😍🙏
The part at 7:42 is actually where I am at! I would sometimes use construction from imagination, but I thought it would be (for some reason) wrong to use references throughout the construction process. I think it is the missing step between purely using reference and drawing entirely from imagination. I am skipping straight to imagination, and my realism/ anatomy/proportions suffer because I am missing the middle step!
Seriously thank you! I started with your 30 day challenge (finished it some days ago) and had so much fun. I'm going to keep drawing and we will see how far I can take it, hopefully I can someday even join your courses.
ive been working for about 2 years on art and while im not that good i hope to be one day. Ill start watching more of your stuff. I dont know why ive learned a lot of theroy and practice a lot its like my hands dont work very well which may be the case lol. I dont care if it takes me till im 80 ill make some work im proud of. If i ever get some more disposable money ill check out your school thanks man
I now have this wonderful opportunity each week to feed and hang out with horses, and I'm super excited for how my horse art will improve with all the observations I'll get to make. For example I've been pleasantly surprised by how often and how cutely they wiggle their nose and mouth xD
I've been getting into art and drawing for almost a year now and I feel this is going to help me improve lots. I've just finished a drawing earlier which I'm really proud of and I feel your list of videos is going to help me improve from this thank you for this!!
Marc has managed to teach me more than my 7 years of experience in an art school BIG THANKS TO YOU MARC! I LOVE YOUR VIDS!
No I love the way he attached the second half of leg to first half in second pictureeeeeeeee that fit together so comfortably!