
thunderfang is a definite day one buy for me!


Thunder fang is like the godzilla of lego


Chaos dragon is really DISTURBING THE PEACE!!!


I'm can't wait to get these especially thunderfang


Both of these sets are Must Haves for Me, Especially the Arc Dragon. ⚡️


arc dragon of focus is sickkkk!!!


Kai, Lloyd and Cole are my fav Ninja haha


You haven't posted the full Arc review yet tho...


Tyr the god of war 🙏😭


The arc dragon of focus is soooo coooollll


Getting tunder fang for him and nokt🔥


Congrats on gettling 1 Thunderfangilion views on newst video 🎉


I just want to see all FB5 on my shelf lined up


Dude I have saving for these since December and have the perfect amount for both. Match 1 will be hype


Lego should have put storm suit Zane in the thunder fang set instead of Lloyd.


In 2024 one of my biggest gripes was the fact we needed 3 different suit lines. All 3 are phenomenal designs, but 3 felt like too much for a single year. While I’m not a fan of the new Storm suits, I’m glad Lego didn’t just throw in brand new suits for the March wave.


1 thunderfangillion views 😂


Could you do an early review of the ninjago city worksgops?


I get them in April and May 😭😭😭😭😭😭


"1 Thunderfangillion views" 💀