First was in 06 Springfield Monday the Rockwell bar. First concert for me! Then I’ve seen you every time you’ve been through SGF area. I believe it’s 7 or 8 times now you never disappoint. It’s always amazing and you’re one of the few bands out there that sound as good or better live than on record.
I've seen Seether twice, but never headlining. It's been several years since they did a tour in my area. I saw them at Rockstar Energy festival with Escape the Fate, Bullet for my Valentine, Three Days Grace and Avenged Sevenfold. I would love to see them again!
Yes, I saw him at WJRR Earth Day birthday. He said thank you after every song. They were awesome. Would definitely see them again.
Hershey pa & state college pa. Both on their 2008 tour with 3dg, Breaking benjamin, & collective soul. Best band ive ever heard live.
I've been to 4 - in 2014, 2017, 2019, and one this year. Seether never disappoints with their live shows.
Baltimore, Maryland Spring 2024 was my first time seeing Seether. It was so awesome. It won’t be the last. 😎😁😎😁😎😁😎😁😎
Great Falls, Montana, they opened for 3 Doors Down! Then I got to see them again at Boise, Idaho twice. 😊
Aftershock 2024. Camped out all festival just to get some good spots. Amazing show, long live seether
Love y'all can't wait for my next chance to see ya🤘🤘❤️🔥❤️🔥
All 3 times in Las Vegas, 2 at House of Blues, 1 on Fremont St. Best shows ever, Seether rocks
11 times...every 98 rockfest they did .. Orlando..... Lakeland..... Tampa...and 1 time in New York band hands down !!!!!!!!!!
Franklin, TN with Staind, Lewisburg, WV at the WV State Fair and Huntington, WV and that’s just this year! LOVE SEETHER and they are AWESOME live!
My older son’s first show was Audioslave and Seether in Bakersfield, Ca. I believe Shaun said it was the first time they played ‘the Gift’ live. Great show 🖤✌🏼🤘🏼
Bought tickets 4 times. Attended 3 times. First was Sioux City, IA at Rockstar Uproar Fest. Second was as opener for 3 Doors Down in Omaha, NE. Bought tickets for their first show at Vibrant Music Hall, but we couldn't make it. Then, just last Saturday, we did see them at Vibrant Music Hall.
Oh yes. Portland, OR 8 to 10 years ago. Absolutely adore Seether.
San Antonio 2017 Dallas BFD22 Grand Prairie 2024 Every time was my favorite concert😂
Michigan 2024, You guys did great!!
Deffnelty love to see a show in my home town!.
Twice this yr! Greenville SC and Ashville NC. Both killer shows🎤🎸🥁🤘😎