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Your tutorials are by far the most understandable ones, congratulations & thanks!


Greatest teacher❤❤❤


Maybe this is what's finally going to internalize the feel of the bebop language for me. Excited to take these through all 12 keys comfortably


My gee, your the best teacher❤


Am I the only one who was stunned with the brownish look of the video ♥️♥️


Anyone else here who's old enough to notice that the first 4 notes are those of the theme of "Dixon of Dock Green"?  Anyway, as usual fantastic stuff to work on.  Thanks Simon!


Fantastic exercise!
Thank you Simon!


This reminds me of Barry Harris chromatic scale, great lesson!


Excellent 👌🏿 thanks 🙌🏿


Many thanks 🙏


Man thank you so much for this! Your channel is really helpful for my playing


"Descending using the inverse of the cell" becomes a little bit clearer when we observe that we approach chromatically from below and diatonically from above. Thus when inverting, chromatic from below becomes diatonic from above (and so on). Great video, I will practice this instead of scales.


thank you so much


Thank you :)


Very cool licks, Simon! Loving it!  Thank You!


I recognize the BH chromatic adjustment, but your saying to  think in cells made it easier to play.   I'm trying to work out how to adjust for minor scale so can apply it to all sorts of scales.   Good stuff as always.


Thanks! Like button officially smashed!😃 ❤️ ✌️


Link is back !


Awesome man!