
Haven’t seen season 2, but Stella seems indifferent or at the least, neutral about Octavia. Just a requirement to keep power and money, as Octavia is the Heir to the throne and is the only reason for Stolas’ and Stella’s marriage. I don’t think she is hated or ‘mistreated’ (as if home life isn’t enough) but is just there to Stella.


"But to be fair to Stella" 
Girl...wait till you see season 2


She looks awesome.


Octavia is the world to Stolas. It’s shown very clearly that he’ll always love his daughter, even if his marriage is falling apart. And while it’s subtle during Stella’s anger it’s hinted she’s less mad about the affair and more that Stolas did it with an imp, essentially the most lowest class creature in hell. She calls her husband an embarrassment. 

I’m very interested to see how you react to the story as it unfolds. Especially season 2.


I think it’s also worth noting, during the scene at the amusement park, Via only seemed worried about her dad leaving her behind and didn’t mention much of anything about Stella


She looks amazing in your style!


HOW IS THIS NOT BLOWING UP?!  this is no joke the best art I have ever seen


I actually LOVE STELLA. Not the person she is but how good of an antagonist she is, you know they’re good at their roll when the fandom hates them 😂.


Stella should be double hell's first resident


The episode “Seeing Stars” in s2 is one of the sweetest Stolas and Via episodes 🥺


I love Octavia and Stolas's relationship, Stolas is definitely my favorite character in the show!


Stella: I'm so glad an egg fell out of me.

Thats all I need to know about Stella and her relationship with Octavia


octavia is my favorite character, personally!!! also i’m not so sure about her relationship with stella either haha, i really do need to watch season 2 but i haven’t gotten around to it yet. also via’s so cool in your style!!!! i adore your art sm


I relate to Octavia a lot xD, anyways you should draw Striker! He is one of my favorites!


I really want to see Octavia and Loona become best friends!


She's so pretty in your style!!!❤❤


This... Oh my god 😭
Seeing this after s2 finale


Stunning, gorgeous, beautiful. May we finish out the daughter's by doing Loona?


Once again, your art has blown my mind!

And maybe next video you could draw Stella, since you already got Stolas and Octavia.


me looking at her nail colors