Old Conor: precision beats power, timing beats speed New Conor: WUTFJCH FFIVJ MFOMFN GMODNEBKG
The angrier Conor gets, the more Irish his accent becomes.
Respect to Conor. Humble in defeat
Thanks for censoring the word "Bollocks". I almost fainted when he said that live.
when he said "this is not over " conor sounded like that villain from old cartoon movies that dies 100 fucking times but still comes back
The way joe was sitting next to Conor is actually hilarious
Man you gotta love Joe 🤣🤣🤣 The way he sits besides Conor and engages a conversation 🤣🤣
Joe: Tell us what you felt, and tell us what you thought was going on. Conor: angry Irish noises
Porier: Were still waiting for Connor to write a check to donate to our foundation Connor: THERE WAS NO CHECK!
Connor sounding like a Scooby Doo villain, lmao "I will be back! This is NOT OVER!"
His reaction just before saying "there was no check" is hilarious 😂
Joe rogan - "How's the fight?" Conor - irish noises
2014: Conor gets into Dustin’s head 2021: Conor gets into Conor’s head
This’ll probably go down as one of the most legendary post fight interviews ever
😂😂😂 even the security guard holding Porier back is cracking up. The funniest post fight interview I've ever seen
Conor snapped in this interview. It was like an ending to a movie where the hero defeats the villain but leaves them alive and just walks away and the villian starts spouting a bunch of delusional stuff lol
The fact that he still did a Interview after his leg snaped in half in crazy
Low key, the best part of this interview is him talking about the after party like he isn't going straight to the hospital 😂
Adrenaline is a powerful commodity to have. Obviously as a professional mma athlete, Conor likely has a very high tolerance to pain, but to give an interview while his leg is literally snapped in half is a perfect example of what adrenaline permits.