A great carpenter and metalworker,electrician and plumber. Vision and design comes easily to this man.WHAT A JOB HES DONE. ITS A PLEASURE TO WATCH A SKILLED WORKER. FAULTLESS.
This gentleman is not just a home renovator, he is an artists !! Exceptional work!!
I was fortunate. The home I grew up in was built in 1916 and it had a fully finished fourth floor "attic" with built-in Cedar closets, storage cabinets and drawers, finished ceilings, hardwood floors and a maid's quarters with a bathroom. My father used the maid's room as a business office. I wasn't supposed to be up there but I snuck up there all the time because it was such a magical place to be.
Шедевр! Супер! Уникальный проект! Душа поёт и отдыхает, когда внутри этого находишься! Молодец!
I am most impressed with the detailed attention to insulation and weather proofing! Great skills and workmanship!
I used to be a sheet metal worker and I have always loved the creative imagination, people often find problem’s and create solutions
What a transformation! One guy did all the work. Beautiful craftsmanship! I can definitely say you are jack of all trades!
Спасибо за съёмку этого фильма, очень помогли определиться с объёмом работ и материалами. Уважение мастеру!
This reminds me of when I rebuilt my house. I took an old rundown farmhouse and by renovating and adding on a turned it into a 6 bedroom 3-1/2 bath beautiful home we have today. My friends and I did it in our spare time over the course of a little more than a year
Колоссальная работа, столько труда!!! Браво мастеру ❤
I always admire guys that have skills like that, creating something beautiful out of raw materials that's some mad skills.👍
traum wenn ich eine Tochter haben werde ich sie empfehlen so ein Mann zum Suchen. Dieser Mann hat Talent und goldene Hände👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
I like the stair rail combination of black metal and light wood, modern, yet warm with the light tones if the wooden rails. You ginger kitty will also appreciate the fine heater cover this winter!
Великолепная работа!! Браво!! Прекрасно!! ❤❤❤❤❤
Unbelievable, as a surgeon with his craft so you with your creative builds. I don’t see how someone could do all this with everything that goes into it. Much respect, just beautiful!!!
What an excellent result and a colossal amount of work to get there!
Really a super job. You have so many different skills. The tin work always eluded me. Thanks for sharing this one.
Это счастье, когда руки из нужного места растут. Завидую и восхищаюсь.
Умница! Молодец! Руки золотые!👍