Being an extrovert makes me so drained when I want to draw or do anything productive Thank you marc, now I will try these tips and make myself a "bit" productive than before. Love your videos
I feel so thankful in this since I'm an introvert myself.... sometimes everything is overwhelming and peer pressure isn't helping at all . keep up the good videos Marc! <3
I usually get pressured into telling people what I do and what I am working towards and then I tell them because my brain goes into panic mode, thinking I have to give others the info even if I am not ready at all to talk about what I am doing. Happened to me only yesterday. I got your Art School Program and am about to start on week 3. Didn't want to tell anyone in my family I was doing it because I am scared of exactly that happening. The moment someone knows what I am doing it feels like there's pressure on it now. That I have to do good or else I am disappointing everyone. For me it's less of a dopamine hit and more of a fear thing once people know. Then again I am a massive Introvert so that might be why.
As an introvert artist with little to no friends, I can focus on doing art because I don't waste my time going out and no one to please but myself. I draw for myself, and it's fun. I enjoy my own company.
As an Introvert, everything you've said was a FACT based on my personal experience. I always adapt this ideology that "The more the people know about your dreams, the more it'll less likely to happen." I've learned a very hard lesson years ago where I keep blabbering about my goals and dreams, and not only it didn't fulfilled, they were cockblocking me from accomplishing it, therefore it left me defeated and have to get myself back up again. Right now, I have a very HUGE dream, and all I wanna do is to take action that'll give me progress towards that dream without anyone knowing because I know if I tell even a single hint, it'll screw me over and it might be the end for me. To anyone who's reading this, if you keep working hard and build in silence, your dreams will come true. Thank you for this video Marc.
I'm a big daydreamer, and I have big dreams about finishing my comics- one in progress and another one I have yet to finish writing fully, but I notice that the more I talk about my comic or post sneak peaks of it on Discord, the less motivated I become over time and the more pressured I feel to keep up with those sneak peeks. I also get the same feeling when talking about my ideas in general, as soon as I say my plans or ideas, they're suddenly all gone.
As an extrovert this completely makes sense! It also makes sense why the pandemic helped with my art so much. I’m definitely an extrovert but with enough introverted hobbies that I buckled down and learned so much during that time. While most of my friends were talking about what they’d do with their extra time, I glued my butt in a chair and did it. I was so sick of social media those days, I literally didn’t post about my goals at all, I just put the work in.
The tip about your brain feeling accomplished you haven’t done anything yet was great. And how demotivating it can be to have too big of a goal (too long between dopamine hits) is very insightful. I’m a huge introvert but I haven’t been wielding that power correctly/efficiently. Thank you for that. Great video❤
NO THIS IS SO REAL!!! I've noticed this happening to me ALL the time. I'm quite the introvert, but I do have a few friends I like to chitchat to. If I get excited about something and start talking about it, I realize that most of the time, I won't actually do it. I learned to just shut the hell up if I actually wanted to get something done, because I realized as soon as I opened my mouth about it, it wouldn't happen! I honestly had no idea why this was but your explanation makes so much sense. I still fall victim to this sometimes but I will try to become more mindful of it now!
“Talk less, smile more. Don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for.” This makes so much more sense now…
Now that's a thing I would never think by myself. Thinking about it now, even being an introvert, I did this sometimes. I told some people I was excited for starting a specific new project in my life, but didn't do it right away. Thanks for this tip! ❤
Also the painting that you did in the background was very helpful. I mean you showed as a simple way of colouring + simple and effective way of making a good background for a character
How something so simple can mess up so much omg, this is such a great take to consider
This is actually incredibly interesting. I've definitely noticed that phenomenon the few times I talk about my goals (introvert here btw) and couldn't quite understand why. Crazy how the brain works! But after this video hopefully it'll be easier to overcome. We all just need to be aware of it!
I actually really enjoy your psychology episodes as it relates to learning a skill. It's a very overlooked aspect to becoming good at anything
It's all about setting/sharing implementation intentions and event cues ("if, then" statements) rather than general goal intentions. The more specific you can be the more likely you'll follow through.
fantasizing about your goals have that same effect. it tricks the brain in thinking we already accomplished that specific goal.
this is really interesting, I'd never considered that speaking goals aloud actually makes you less likely to achieve them 🥺
I'm an introvert, but I also have ADHD, so, getting any dopamine is like playing russian roulette, a lot of the time, I get nothing, then on an occasion I'll get a hit, and then round 2 starts to determine how much and how long it'll last, then it's back to the round 1 again, might get a small hit once in a blue moon, then outta nowhere a huge hit, followed by a helluva lot of nothing for a very long time