
It’s so satisfying when I time this with a song and it fits perfectly with the beat.


17:28 was my personal favourite.


13:56 was my favorite part


Drums for old time rock ‘n’ roll… Thank you for this channel🤍🥁


sick drop


This was my heart rate, when friends listening. My friends has 101, and 116 bpm. 😁


This is a life saver           I would’ve had to face the wrath of my band teacher without this


Imagen waching this for 30 mins for no reson


Practicing for Violin Auditions, this helped immensely 🥹🫶


Radiohead - everything in its right place😊


Paint The Town- Loona <3


When the party's over - Billie Eilish


Idris Muhammad - Could Heaven Ever Be Like This


When you have to toungue 32 notes at this tempo...💀


The white stripes - seven nation army


De musica ligera - Soda stereo.


The Neighbourhood - sweater weater


4:20 I feel right
Music sounds better with you
Love might
Bring us both together


Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo


With the man who sold the world