
Thanks for the lesson but my head is spinning. I’ll need to watch it a few times, or for a few months. Great performance!!  Lillian has a beautiful voice.


Sean, I only found your channel a few days ago I think, but you are hands down the best guitar instructor on YT.  Your laid back style and practical solutions are the best.  Light years from my old second grade elementary teacher who became my piano teacher too fifty odd years ago.  (Not that she taught me guitar, of course, LOL.)  Since I play guitar only for pleasure it is a joy learning useful stuff with no hard sell and no ambition of becoming Jimi Hendrix or Andres Segovia...


Yep, 3 strings all you need. That E shape can also be the G chord from the A string, the Cm from the D string, and an Ab Augmented from the G string. The Swiss Army knife of chord shapes. Great song, thanks for sharing.


very cool Folks. Thanks for slowing things down Sean appreciated.


Man, getting ready to order some Elixirs for a lady’s guitar at church. Was wanting to use your affiliate link. 
Perfect timing.


Great lesson
Lovely song and playing


Great lesson, thankyou. I've been learning the piano before I came to the guitar so using inversions makes perfect sense. Thanks again!


I learn soooooo much from these, many thanks for demystifying all the dusty bits of my guitar 😎


Another great lesson Sean 👍🏻 I’ve started using so many of your chord ideas in my songs, I’ll have to re-name myself George Daniel, thanks so much. Been using these Elixirstrings for years…. Does that make us String buddies?? 🤣🤣


Just changed my strings today. Elixir of course! Medusa (my Gibson) sounds lovely again!


Wow beautiful singing


Y'know, I've never thought of that.  Very neat.


Another wonderful lesson, thanks my man!


OK, expensive filter in the Kenmore fridge, plus $15 Culligan filter from Ace Hardware on the water line to the ice maker/water dispenser. Change once a year. And I've got deep, clean, city aquifer water! (oh, and Elixir strings for sure).


The amount and quality of high weirdness you've done, judging by the intros, it's a miracle you are even alive 😅


Used to use those til I tried StringJoy. Never going anywhere else. The best for me and probably most anyone. 
IMO of course.


Nice 👍


This made me realize. Guitar is hard.


LOL, I love the show.  BTW, I change my water filters every 6 months.


‘We choked on straight tap water, gonna have to try the real thing’.