Dutch aint gonna survive being backshoted by a shadow leviathan 💀
"That was a sick trick , here's a hug"
That was marshmallow. dont worry, he's just giving you happy nibbles
Second one I've seen of these and I'm more entertained with both clips than whole ass movies. Bravo.
Shadow Leviathan: No little bro. tricks are for kids.
Your voice is so raspy it's awesome.
Lore wise. He gets eaten over and over again but cuts his way out every time 😂
How’d that shadow get there 😅
I also hate it when a giant black worm eats me alive as I practice my diving skills.
Subnautica: Cover Face and Pass out or just Pass out Subnautica Sub Zero: nom
The monster was like "DAMN SECONDS YUM" 😭🙏🏻
Marshmallow is always going to eat him
Can't wait to see the clips in subnautica 2
Bro how and why do the shadow leviathans keep surfacing to find this guy 😭😭😭😭
The leviathan got doordash
Bro sounds like Mr crabs 💀
He really likes hugs
Shadow: boy I’m hungry god please give me food in the name of the- Oh hell yeah a human!