
The only constant in life is change.


He describing what's known as the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, often just cited as the  Heisenberg's Principle.


No half measures


it has nothing to do with consciousness though,its just so happens that when you observe something light needS to be reflected from the object you are looking in to your retinas which basically changes the measurement in the first place.
this is one of the most misunderstood experiments ever.


So this is like how dogs think cat poop is food


Renamed the double nuts experiment.


The frequency of a "particle" (perturbation) is switching (popping in and out of the quantifiable) at such a high rate that perception gives the observer the indication that it is in a non-localized state. Heisenberg says that you can not know precisely, even theoretically, the velocity and location at the same time. Nikola Tesla said that using scalar wave transmission, you can transmission energy through the Aether, from one point to another, instantaneously. 
I say, Aetheric Fluid Dynamics, based on Hannes Alfven's Nobel Prize winning work on Magnetohydrodynamics, is the best Theory of Everything (ToE).


Why is Mike Ehrmantraut suddenly explaining quantum physics to a young child?


Sir, this is a Wendy's


I'm glad she agrees, he agrees and I agree that's nuts😂. Quantum theory is just theory and will problematicly never become practical reality.


I think this guy could convince me of anything 😂


Pretty sure Einstein focused on the theory of special relativety. Not quantum physics. He literally focused on the very large. Not the very small. Smh


The bunny is black, until you turn on the light and look at it. Then it is white.
With the light off it is both black and white.


Mean while Christians who believe in the trinity have known this for thousands of years.


why the crappy backround music/noise?


More like this
We can't seem to measure things that small with a high certainty that our measurement itself isn't affecting the outcome that would have happened if we didn't measure it and e might not ever be able to.


It does not


Baloney land.


That's not quite what the math says...


No no noooo... It has nothing to do with your consciousness...