Excellent coverage on this post.
As a Romanian,i know from friends who had grandfather`s there that we where poorly equipped too say the least,but they fought and stayed....unlike the macaronny`s! Respect to all my brethren who died there!
Good video, awesome footage, thanks👍
Great videos, and narrations
The failure of "Winter Storm" really foreshadowed what was to befall the Germans from then on, and it indeed did...
Another superb effort. The quality of your work is becoming better all the time.
Amazing video
It was a courageous attempt to turn the tide of an already lost battle. Unfortunately it failed but the glory remains forever!
Thanks for sharing this.👍
Hail Sir ! I enjoy your commentaries. Rev. Paul Roger Bayem
Brother, your intense footage battle of Stalingrad, prob your best video ever, got removed. Will you be putting it on ur patreon ? Just a heads up
To the brave men of the 6th army👍👍👍
Paulus didn't want to brake out! Don't blame Hitler!
Barborossa failed as soon as Germany set foot in USSR
The 6th army - Heroes Thank you, Germany, for making the greatest of sacrifices to defend Europe. Heroes RIP
Glory to the 6th army!
The 6th army lost its ability to effectively breakout 2 months prior to surrender The 6 th army soldiers would have had march those 40 km ( if they broke out successfully) to friendly lines which wasn’t possible given the presence of heavily armed Russian presence The siege is an example of inability of Luftwaffe to conduct strategic bombing and destroy enemy at rear 5th army Starved for months and kept fighting Their surrender was inevitable
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Paulus couldn't think for himself. Or for his men.