
Wow, just wow! I feel like this message was meant for me. Last week, I had a very vivid dream about my TF, and in it, he mentioned that he tried to hang out with other girls but never felt as close to them as he does with me. I've been receiving countless signs throughout the week, and the way my tarot cards aligned perfectly with what you said mirrors how I've been feeling. Honestly, I shifted something significant last week, and I'm no longer feeling the need for him to come and say things to me. The peace I found within myself is something I've never experienced before. This journey is painful, but it is also the most rewarding one! Thank you for this beautiful message 🤍


I loved this reading, just like your last reading,profound, comprehensive, stimulating, inspiring and reassuring.and resonates in its entirety.Thank you


The reason why neither one of them can find anyone else that comes close is because that's what their souls agreed to before incarnating here. It's the instructions they gave to their Spirit Guides. To divert any possible other connections. They won't find any members of their soul tribe until they've come together. This was planned ahead of time to make sure of the outcome their souls wanted. They are suppose to be each other's first soul connection. They will not encounter any other soul connections until their souls come together and solidifies.


Thank you so much for your clarity and encouragement.  It is so reassuring.


Wow... This reading pulled on my heart strings deeply. You have this deep, intense and poetic way to describe my feelings and current situation in a way that I can't even... Thank you! I truly believe we are meant to re-unite in 3D but this separation is part of a Divine plan and everything is unfolding perfectly. So, thank you for validating it ❤🙏


Thank you. I feel this deeply and intensely. ✨🐝🧡🙏🍯


Wow! Thank You🙏🏻❤️


This webinar touched my soul in so many ways. My gratitude to you❤ It was so resonant and uplifting.🙏


Sending gratitude for this reading. Immense love to you. 💗


Thank you it was so spot on 🙏🏽


This reading explains my journey with my divine masculine, of every sentence to the T. The biggest lesson I learned is the purpose why we crossed paths? To draw near to God and experience the power of His love and Bask in His Divine Presence, by totally letting go of control and surrender in obedience to His will and shine His Character through our conducts and behaviour to the world and know He is God. 
Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." 0:00 0:00


This whole message totally resonated with me and my partner


Thank you luv, for a beautiful and detailed message! You are truly appreciated ❤ love you


I literally had a big feeling about my significant other while trying to relax




Thank you, amazing ❤❤beautiful   video❤❤


Gratitude ❤❤


Imbrace growth together nourish thy soul❤🎉❤