
The dynamic chickens SUCK! 26 extra for 4 times the size?! Just take it down and stick 2 normal coops there!


In my opinion, a much better place for the chickens would be where the rice field is, and the current spot could be used for a shed and some industry.


I agree with messing with xml file to increase the chicken capacity, cuz it's no where near damn worth the money that went into it


The expansion looks nice but I would recommend you add some trees and rocks to the side of the new yard that is facing the road it will look quite nice!!


Great episode. Update the XML and increase the silo capacity as well as the number of chickens to about 750, perhaps more; otherwise you will never recoup your investment


I see 3 options 
1. Increase xml file size for chicken capacity.
2. Delete the coop and refund yourself and place 2 coops.
3. Delete the coop place a regular size coop and next to it place the dairy.


I’d put a smaller chicken coop and leave space for a larger lumber mill to replace the existing one. The Todge Pole Pines are nearby so it’ll make processing easier than i& the new lumber mill is farther away.


You you should do a pasture covering that rough field, then it won’t matter how rough it is


They fixed the bouncing mowers in the new patch.


I kept field 26 but put poplar in it, now I'm rich ! You could plant oak trees instead of pole pines, they grew faster and give around 20k L of wood each. If you build a sawmill nearby, you could just drag them into it, no need to transport them on a long distance.


There is a chicken coop on modhub which holds 700 chickens maybe go with that one.


You should add some trees by the chickens along the top of the rock ledge.


Wow that chicken coop is a MASSIVE waste of space. Only getting 26 more chickens is highway robbery.


I wish you could map out the fences and get a cost estimate before committing. That would be more realistic


The Calculation for any animal shed is: Size = Base Value + 1 animal for each m^2


Canola is less dense. It is very light. Usually a trailer will reach its maximum volume before it is up to maximum weight.


This bigger chicken coop would only be viable if the price of the eggs would skyrocket as well due to the chickens being free range  with that much space. But sadly that's not the case so I would, as suggested multiple times already, replace this massive coop for 3 smaller ones I guess


I know a lot of people complained about the combine not being a good investment when you first got it but I LOVE to see how cool that leveling feature is! Your funky field really was perfect for showing it off; I can’t believe how high it can go.


You should do a sell barn for bales and pallets you intend to sell, then you can sort by the month you intend to sell stuff


There is a mod that adds oil spots and tire trails in the plant section.  You should check out