
Really needed this today. Thanks, Ross!


Loved watching your process, the ghost cats were my favorite to watch come to life~. :D


Did the last sentence connect back to the first? such a creative little detail


haha i like the loop :D and ofc the message is awesome, thank you ross, i hope ill get there soon


Thank you, Ross. This is beautiful.

Since I began digital art, I feel defeated sometimes. Like when I use references, I feel like it's "cheating," but then I learned almost all artists use references in some form. And that helps me feel better.


Oh boy aren't we the opposite! I feel such a drop in energy and inspiration after winter. I hate the sun and the dryness of spring and all my ideas seem to just evaporate. No number of flowers can make up for it. Where in autumn and winter I seem to have too many ideas. Even summer is good because of the rain hahaha


I’ve been struggling with burnout for awhile, so thank you Ross!


I really needed this! πŸ’™ I've been struggling with burn out for a bit, thank you so much for this!


Thanks Ross! I really needed this today 😭 PLZ post more of this!


Ross everything you do makes me so happy, I was going through a lot of heartbreak these past few years and had lost the motivation in the skill I loved most. Any drawing wasn't good enough and over time my skills faded, but these past few months Ive been slowly getting back into the game. It's a difficult adventure but one I'm glad to be back on again. You are one of my biggest inspirations and I just wanted you to know that. I love everything you do in both art and the community and hope you stay true to you! Just remember to keep to your words though and too take a break if need be lol


Total agree with you Ross. We always restart and begin the new things.


I got an art burn out for the previous 2 years, but things got better for me since last year, so I'm excited to start having fun drawing all the time in 2022 ^^


I honestly hate that unlike other aspiring artists they have so much imagination and source of inspiration while I’m just sitting here contemplating my existence because I can’t find an inspiration and is just basically doing my own thing.


this was a very inspiring video! thank you for your input! <3 i have been inspired to draw after a pause; thank you for sharing your guidance.


Excited that what? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ But really thank youuuuu!!!


The wise words of Ross


excited that vvhat, EXCITED THAT VVHAT ROSS


i'm also burnt out thank you for this <3


I just rewatched princess kaguya and I feel like this is super on theme :’))) thank you ross I needed that!!