That “drama” is called consequence
The most intelligent and impressive serial killer? Really, NARRATOR? REALLY? He's nothing but a serial killer, period.
This is kind of a dilemma! But for who? Muzi, cops, victims, taxpayers?
"That don't impress me much!" Lol😂
I understand this guy doesn't want to go thru all the red tape and trials but the issue is, he committed crimes in different states and each state has to go thru their processes. The thing is if you confess to the crime of murder and take a guilty plea they will almost NEVER give you death penalty. The death penalty comes into effect when you go to trial and say you DIDN'T do the crime of murder and LOSE the trial. THAT is when they give you the death penalty. NOT when you plead guilty. That almost NEVER happens!! You can kind of look at it as the state punishing you with the death penalty because you wasted the time of the families and the court and you wasted all the taxpayers money. Thats a pretty simple way to look at it. If you plead guilty, they almost always give you a life sentence. If this guy would have confessed in the interrogation room and then gone to trial and acted like a stone cold killer and denied everything at trial and lost, THEN they would have given him the death penalty
Quite a show. I believe he fooled most everyone. It's all a mind fk. He's a common criminal with exceptional acting skills. I even doubt his remorse. He made many mistakes, i certainly don't consider him a superior serial killer. 🤷♀️
Im impressed 🤔 not even mad at this guy
I think he truly feels guilty. This case is a tough one.
He’s prepping for advocating himself for the DP. It’s kind of subtle manipulation. How he took lives when he didn’t need to. How bad a person he is. How great his victim was. And it’s his end goal to get the DP. My personal unprofessional opinion.
wow. idk about genius he was clever and very meticulous w his plans and straight edge also. but after he told his story and the cop tells him he’s never worked harder in 31 years? jfc hardly working then right chief
i'm impressed how well the AI subtitles worked on Muzi with his strong accent. Also i'm surprised how his accent changed after the years in jail
This detective is way too nice Like are u kidding me ❓
Dude looks just like Michael Blackson.
I disagree with death penalty so I think his punishment is fair. However, I've never had a family member or friend murdered or worse, so I can't say fore sure if my opinion of the death sentence would stay the same.
Well, I gotta say, if he was a genius, he would have gotten and attorney and said nothing- clearly the guy was intelligent to get around the U.S. as he did being from SA. He has a different outlook on humanity being from a rough area- but I believe every word he’s saying- he’s being 100% real - admitting even the most embarrassing things- abuse- remorse- of course he has it, he admits Zen was a better man. What liar would self-deprecate himself?
He seems interesting to talk to
I had to pause it so I could comprehend his name
I think i need a tattoo of my name.
Surprised he just doesn't unalive himself