Me who draws on my tiny phone with my index:
After nearly five years of drawing, I think I can confidently say that its not easy to keep your arm up. People, draw how you wanna draw.
I started drawing using my shoulder last year ,since I started using an art course that required that, and my lines have definitely been a lot smoother and confident! It's uncomfortable and it feels weird at first, but you'll get used to it the more you draw/practice
Drawing is more mathematical than you think. The longer the radius from the joint, the more straight the line is gonna be. When you want to draw a longer line than your wrist and afford, you're forced to move your elbow, and that's 2 inputs from 2 joints instead of just one, which means more room for errors. To young artists, your head might be in the cloud, but your body is not.
Yes that's so true. I was struggling with lineart for pretty long time but after hours of practice i think i got pretty good at it. Also if you draw digirally using a stabilizer is a great idea
If i did that, i'd have to repeat one stroke 362927 times
Thank you for the wonderful advice and it's really cool Marc you're left-handed as I am myself!! This is great!!
I use chicken scratch for sketching when I’m still figuring things out at the beginning. The smooth strokes matter more when you get to later stages. Rough drafts are supposed to be rough.
Using your whole arm is healthier too, because this way there will be less pressure on wrists and therefore less chances to get carpal tunnel syndrome✨
takes a lot of practice, im a beginner and line art sucks especially on a drawing tablet with no monitor... i still struggle a lot but things are going promising for me, def recommending this
Involving your arm motions is good advice so I hate it even more that my big ass tablet screen input is laggy sometimes and screws up my lines more than the potential shaking of my arm😂
I've gotten pretty good at drawing with the tiny quick strokes shown in the beginning but still managing to keep clean lines ...Plus I kind have to be able to do that cause my art teacher has us move either only our wrist or only our fingers, depending on the assignment. Never lets us move from the elbow or shoulder, though Even with wearing a drawing glove made to also support my hand so it hurts less, it still feels like hell :')
You should learn how to draw from the elbow and from the shoulder, yes, but theres nothing wrong with "chicken scratches" if thats the look youre going for. Take Ishida Sui for example, you can see his lines passed over multiple times and his art still looks amazing. Its good to know all the different techniques but ultimately it falls on the artist to decide which line they want to go with.
Thank you! This will save my fingers and wrist from future pain. 😊💕
For small digital tablets, it might seem harder but as a traditional background and an artist who also loves digital stuff, I can say when you have to fill on a 50x70 paper You DO use your elbow. Also, it makes you create perfect circles and straight lines even when you draw them slowly or blast fast which makes you seem like a freaking robot to other people. Feels good when you get the hang of those practices. Might not be easy on small surfaces like 7" like tablets again I mostly zoom out and use wrist nuances there but still elbow in the air. And when I zoom in, I use my elbow fully. Because the surface needs to be used wider since the drawing gets closer and bigger.
this indeed works, thanks Marc!
I like the bad line sometimes, specially in sketch. But yeah, I should practice
It's a skill worth practicing
My trick is zoom out. The smaller the drawing, the shorter the motion. That's how i use just wrist