What a year of no news does to a mf
Can’t wait for “over analyzing trailer 2, 2 years later”
"npc's will jay walk" Me going 120mph down a one way street
"all I know is that it's a big plane"🗣
I jus wanna break into houses an apartments an go thru all the rooms an furniture looking for money an different collectibles
I actually feel like some kind of addict. Every day I'm scratching for just a crumb of GTA 6 content. I've never been this excited for a game since... well GTA V.
My theory about why Rockstar has been so silent about trailer 2 is because they don't want it to leak like the first one.
6:23 I live a block from there, it’s 550 Brickell Ave, and the barrier gate is for the bridge. It connects downtown to the financial district (brickell). Insanely accurate.
This vid got more info than a 40 min analysis 😂
This video has made me more excited for this game than any other gta 6 video so far tbh
Watching this made me realize why it took so long for this game to be ready. The details and graphics are worth the wait. Hats off to rockstar, It’s already better than 5 in every way.
Floridians know how the prison look.
Remember how in GTA 4 you had special camera perspectives when u jump over a fence or steal cars? It could be that the body cam perspective is when u get busted.
Does anyone else have a real fear of dying before gta 6
"The next trailer" brave words... very brave words
This was one of the better analysis I’ve seen so far and I’d love to see another one when trailer 2 comes out
I’m still blown away how insanely accurate to south florida gta 6 is
0:46 you know what else is massive?
Great video. I’ve watched so many of these breakdowns over the last year(!) but this is a really good one. And I’m so desperate for more info I’m watching all of these types of videos again. Really love the breakdown of the plane 7 minutes in. It sure is a big plane.