This actually helps, i havent touched a pen and pencil in years so i was outta of the loop and needed the visual guidance
Whoa!!! This'll be amazing to start using! Thanks!
Lifting the palm is exactly what I needed to know. For the longest time I thought it was JUST using your entire arm, but something always felt off. Thank you.
For very small circles I read in an old drawing instruction book that they draw it as two half circles. Combined with drawing from shoulder and arm this has worked very consistently for me
YEHHHH been doing this for a year or two now and when I’m not having art block/burnout it feels so good to let each stroke be loose and let it be less “perfect” and instead enjoy the process not just the results.
This is great! For so long, I’ve just been drawing a whole head and then erasing the details just to get a circle 😩 No, but seriously, thanks for the reminder to draw with the whole arm 🙂
What also helps while practicing is using a circle tool then trying to draw perfectly over that circle. At first the lines might go our a bit but you slowly get better
Great advice! This is also how you pull lines while tattooing, moving your wrist changes the angle of the needle and can lead to inconsistencies in your line work so moving your arm is key to better lines
this. using your elbow and shoulder aswell as your wrist isnt just good for drawing circles but consistent strokes in general i always tell my friends to do this when drawing and i dont see it covered much, glad to see a video about it!
Damn you're so good at drawing that you even use lasso perfectly
I love this tip because it’s helping me with my rough sketches, so thank you!
For me personally another tip I've found helpful is to keep your eyes on the starting point of the circle while drawing, rather than watching the whole thing as you draw it
Thank you so much this really helped I'm not an artist but I still use your Technique to draw a perfect circle
I've seen improvement with the use of this technique 😊
That was one of the most impressive things I have seen
Its funny how almost every art tip that has actually helped me improve is basically unlearning everything I've ever been taught or shown.
When I was learning how to draw and write, I always moved my elbow and shoulder instead of my wrist cus it felt more comfortable. Didnt know that's what I was supposed to be doing :D
Thats a crisp circle!
Fine arts tip: Hold your pencil like a piece of chalk too. It will make using your wrist harder and allow for a smoother circle.