
Bro summarized colour theory in a single minute.


For the last few months, this lesson has taught me so much. I'm a traditional artist who has been using a LOT of watercolor paint for the last two years. I love learning new techniques from various human artists over time and historical. They've been a huge help for my artwork. This is a lesson that needs to be continually learned for so many new artists. Thank you for the advice.😁


Many years ago I found a used book that broke down colour palettes popular in various cultures around the world. It's my goto for inspiration.


Something else beside colour attract my attention


Im kinda good with watercolours but in paper i prefer drawing black and white.
So its kinda relaxing thinking and knowing that other colours are too about the contrast


Bro this artist is freaky with his drawings 😭🙏


Damn i fell for the thumbnail.


Colors has never been my weak point. As a photographer and artist it is where I feel most capable.


Explained colour theory in the easiest way possible!! Huge respect


This is excellent lesson. I had not considered the idea of the two tones for character designs that create the focal point on a design.  Seeing your samples, I can see that now. I'm going ot apply this to future works.


i wish more people knew it would make their work far better


The artist's name is Marc Brunet.


ngl came here for the starting picture.
but agree with the explanation. Painted some miniatures with this knowledge in mind and it worked out se beautifully


I was raised by a mother who went to art school for classic and modern styles

Not one week went by without me learning something about era's, composition, perspective, color theory, damn.. Realized how much I miss her and the love of art she had


„You do too!“
Yes and that’s the reason I love pencil and paper with nothing else.


Anthropologist here. Not fire really since that is so recent in evolutionary scale it probably doesn’t effect anything. More likely food sources like fruit which were bright and colorful. Which is possibly why we have color vision at all. And by we I mean all primates. Which most have never had fire.

Pretty interesting that we are basically using fruit seeking neurons to make art now.


This was really informative. Do you have a full video on this?


What i love about art, is that a lot of times, it is rooted in biology and natural selection
And its not just art, this applies to many other fields of study as well


Just some reminder for fellow beginner artist, if you like to color stuff, learn and master color value first, it doesn't matter what color you use as long as it have correct value, your drawing/painting will look good.


If only I wasn't partially color blind 😂 I use color-hex to help me with colors as I can't see colors all that well. I use it to help me pick correct colors. I'm kind of surprised no one talks about what to do if your partially colorblind like me or completely color blind. I never see artists talk about it