True. The Greeks invented stoicism 3000 years ago at the Athenian University of Philosophy. Then the Romans copied it.
Let us take a moment to thank the Murex snail for its contribution to Stoic philosophy.
And a final question to ponder about selling thought or “owning truth”, controlling “children” with it…Under what conditions did/do we see Jesus becoming enraged? How often did this occur? …Speaks volumes…in silence…yet violent in passion.
Jesus, the greatest stoic…the only begotten son…the mouth piece and body to act for his Father…Ours.
We are born stoics…I ask you?…Have you ever witnessed a child virtue-signal? Children are waiting on the adults to remember how to be the children (the children of creation) they were born to be. Time to flip the script, and add to the addition. ➕ (+) +…math, the universal language…knowing, the calculator, and facts the calculation. Perhaps Seneca meant this when he said, in his fatherly tone, “Hang on to your youthful enthusiasms -- you’ll be able to use them better when you’re older." - Seneca Cheers